I don’t need it now and I would love to have option to remove it from weapon wheel. It was hard to use before but at least you would be rewarded with downing FT member, now its hard to use and its signal HERE I AM SHOOTING AT YOU LIKE MORON for 0 gains at the same time. Why don’t remove it entirely? That wouldn’t be first stupid thing you did anyway.
Plasma Caster or Snow ball caster.
Yup i agree completly another broken item its right there with plasma pistol but pistol atleast doesnt have a lazer homing beacon
Um its good. Down vote big time… its your split up/ ranged excute tool… its your only ranged splash dmg.
I shoot 3x guy in the head from the roof in one of the camps from 3 meters away, didn’t even flinch then match after was over just removed it from the wheel and never used it again. same with disc, club or elder blade. It there was no net gun I would uninstall this days ago.
So dumb wonder how many days this flaming garbage has left?
Watch yourself you could be called toxic. :)
What splash DMG? They can heal before you charge another shot. On paper I can fly, in reality I can’t. Those “points” you need to split them or wait them to split are level of urban legends now. What is split up, they stand 5 meters or 50 from each other? Later rarely happens.
If you guys can add to this discussion on the weapons please do. Id love to hear more about it. Do read the post and replies first though so we dont discuss things that have already been talked about. Unless of course you have another argument to make that wasnt brought up