Playing as Predator is soooo underwhelming Period

The ft team shouldn’t be able to brain dead parry. If you get isolated from the group. You should be punished hard by the predator. not be able to brain dead counter every hit until the team catches up. It blows my mind i gotta net gun shoot and slash one guy when I should be able to make short work of him. You get separated from the group you should be punished by the predator that’s the whole purpose of breaking them up. It should only be a group that takes down a predator. Not be able to tank all his attacks. That’s why the ft should stay together and not separate this game is to forgiven to the ft for christ sakes

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My suggest there should be a tight window to parry. I mean execution heavy since the predator has to work just hard to break them up.

Well you don’t have to. If you down a player, then kill them(either by taking their skull or other method) they can only be revived once. Just if you down them twice and let them get picked up, that 3rd time u down them is a kill.

If you aren’t getting parried you are in good shape and can take down even minigunners skip to 5:18

It works that way. If you isolate one player, they are not going to win that battle, ever. If you are letting them parry spam you, change up your attack pattern. Hell use your plasma caster if you have to. You can spam your melee and use the caster at the same time, quick blasts.

IV have not lost a game yet.all I’m saying is the parrying just gets old I wanna fight I don’t wanna just have to plasma cast u from the trees.have u guys used the bear traps yet?

That parry needs to be harder to pull off. Predators gotta earn that isolation. So do the ft imo. If it was hard to execute i know he out played me and was a fair exchange

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Yea I can see that. Like u said, maybe a smaller window? Or stamina penalty?

Oh I’m not saying plasma cast em from the trees, I’m saying use it AS you are in melee. It’s a pretty crazy tactic.

And yea Iv used the traps and had some good success.

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Either one would work

Some of the perks don’t even work, like the large pouch supposed to give you 3 med kits right ?

I’m just saying lol.but the traps r good putting them over the body’s works like a charm

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How do you feel about the Berserker Predator

My minds not made up on him yet. Iv used him and wasn’t a fan of his slow speed and felt he could still be hammered by the FT, but he’s definitely become the go to Pred as he’s the only one Iv seen in the last 10-15 matches Iv played. He seems to require more focus from the fire team, like you need at least 2 teammates helping you to drop him. If you aren’t paying attention when he enters battle, good night sweet cheeks.

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This. Spam the Plasma Caster at close range when they want to go all Ginsu on you with knives and parries. Nobody wants to deal with multiple Plasma shots. They’ll either back off, or it gives time for you to run and change positions. Change the flow of battle if one way isn’t working.

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Yea supposed to give you one extra item of whatever u bring into battle.

Ya some pepole say he is over powered he is not I didn’t really notice an health increase.i use the park I think it’s called branchmaster idk but it makes him really fast in the trees.but he is the go 2 to use.the predator still needs a small buff

Yea cause we should all just spam a plasma cannon forget all the other useless weapons, and unique ways to kill someone. Net slash plasma repeat. Might as well be just use the net and plasma cannon over and over in close range combat that’ll get boring fast

I’m not saying that’s the only way. Just learn to adapt and find what works for you. When you start getting mobbed by knife wielding Rambos, use what tools you have to change the flow of battle in your favor. Don’t try to brute force it because that’ll just get you killed.

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okay im not trying to be an asshole when i say this. but first. the video is 5 minutes too long. the point in the video didnt start until the five minute mark. second you didnt play that well at all… you literally jumped right in and started swinging. no attempt to force them apart. just because youre the berserker doesnt mean you can just run right in there like you did. you deserved to get destroyed like that with what you did. however. when you are in second wind there NEEDS to be a better way to escape because the fire team should not be able to catch you that quickly.