Please fix the eyes of the Elder and CH

They have been looking a bit retarded for a long while now, hoping for a fix where their eyes will be looking straight instead.


You think they look retarded, I’m more worried about whatever is out of frame that is so concerning that both Elder and City are giving it their full attention.

It looks like your preds have been afflicted by some sort of physical malady. Looks like that one special ed kid who constantly gives people the shifty eyes.

“Pay 5.99 for fixed eyes DLC to Fun FUN Co. to fix this issue! Thank you for your money and continued support.”
-IllFonic atm apparently.


Screw that.

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I know

Once they release the fix eyes DLC they wont even fix it instead they’ll use that money to go fix that abomination “made with 💘 from Illfonic”

I think its time to abolish Illfonic from Yautja Society