Please fix your game

Seriously come on with this shit.

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Don’t you know that bugs like this don’t affect the overall gameplay. Just git gud and you won’t crash.


Why do you play with your TV vertical??😵😵😵

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I’m that good



@OldKingHamlet In my last match as predator I had:

  1. Bow would not charge ever
  2. Predkour bugged, just falling out of trees
  3. Couldn’t claim
  4. Randomly couldn’t sprint
  5. Randomly couldn’t leap (this happens constantly)
  6. Downed a guy on the rope but he still got on the chopper and escaped. He had the red downed icon over him and still exfilled.
  7. Non-existent wristblades tracking

Jesus fucking Christ. This was a 3 man squad I couldn’t beat. I couldn’t beat them not because of skill gap, but because the game just DOESN’T FUCKING WORK.

This doesn’t even take into account the insane damage buffs, damage resistance, and instant rezzing.

Objectively, right now the game is a bug wridden unbalanced garbage heap. Especially as Predator. This can’t go on.

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They took a vacation man, they dont see the forum 😂 and they dont even care ahahhaha they will release the Santa Claus Predator with 400 hp and he can throw snow balls that deal no damage to fireteam. Of course they will break the bow even more.

Downed doesn’t necessarily mean dead. So a health self-reinforce is likely. Did you think of that?
If i told you i had claimed 6 FT members in my last game what would you say? My bow charge worked, my predkour worked., i obviously claimed, I randomly ran into rocks to imposed my movement but i could sprint.
Tracking on wristblades, well you’ve been playing this game for how long now and don’t realize that it’s direction is limited to the single direction you hit the button…
I don’t get your rage post. You have to think more clearly otherwise alll you do is get attention…But i guess you successfully done that.

What do you want from us? Or me? What do you want me to say? To help you be more clear? To help you understand what the games limits are and that they are obviously buggy?

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Do you want me to hold your hand until you get calm and sober?

You need @James-Cameron 's therapy sessions.

I don’t understand your need to troll people 100% of the time. And I’m truly not trying to be disrespectful or start shit here. You’re clearly a smart quick witted guy. And when you actually put forth real ideas, I think they’re usually pretty good. I think you could really add a lot of value to the community if you felt so inclined. 🤷‍♀️

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yeah but IMHO my troll, is less like smeegol and more like treasure troll.

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Ill bite it but i wont like it!

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This picture just about summarizes this forum…


Be nice my friends. Weevo is just venting his frustration. James Cameron has encountered him twice in the wild and once in party chat (under James Cameron’s civilian name) and he’s a good pred/ft member.

Massimpact: I appreciate your humour but much like James Cameron you are sometimes not appreciated but I know you are just trying to lighten things up.

Remember friends. Be excellent to each other.


As stupid as it sounds I restart my system every three games, seems to keep the bugs down and the processing going but really shouldn’t have to do that with a $500 piece of technology

Watch your fucking mouth!! Lol

Still trying
