Please make cosmetics purchasable with real money
Seriously the dead ringer is fucking amazing for making people think you died trying to escape. And when you chainstab like half the team after using that thing, oooooooh boy is it satisfying.
is tf2 really still alive?
Surprisingly yeah. Got rid of bots with the latest update too. Scream Fortress is as fun as ever!!! (Fak yu Merasmus!)
I mean I was the first one so technically I get to keep it.
Doing it rn, running a few
You make a good point, make sure to tell everyone that should you win the xeno-brawl.
Keep in mind that you suck dicks
You know she can’t read anything, right? She no longer has forum access. So why?
He’s got a massive rage boner for Illfonic right now. Just let it ride it’s course and see how dumb it can get.
I read his other stuff after this one, so yeah I noticed lol. So far it looks like he can get pretty deep, so we’ll see.
Nah, she will. Only a matter of time