Please make cosmetics purchasable with real money

Please make it so that every single cosmetic in the game (including the 87 Jungle Hunter class) would be purchasable with real money as an option.

Keep the RNG crate system for levelling / bonuses and whatnot, but give us the option to buy things that we actually want instead of relying on an RNG system that gives us duplicate items 99% of the time.

This way, you - Illfonic will get more much needed revenue for the company while making the fans happy at the same time, win win situation.

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So you want to spend real money on things you can already buy in game with in game money, in game money thatā€™s very easy to get? You must be the kind of customer EA fantasizes about.


You can already buy everything (aside from dlc classes) with in-game money. Most of it being dirt cheap.




Also increase the DLC cost by atleast 300%, you people at illfonic will thank me later, weā€™ll still buy all DLC for our collection.


87 should be availableā€¦ but you ainā€™t forced to do lootboxes. I didnā€™t even start opening lootboxes until earlier this year, why waste time on RNG when everything but trophies are available for purchase?


This is a joke topic, right? For all the shit given to Illfonic, at least they donā€™t have lootboxes or put their cosmetics behind a paywall, you have to do it the old fashioned way and PLAY to earn them.


Maybe available only in crates and not for purchase (jungle hunter 87) that way it would still have value. There are a lot of people that have been playing for a long while that still havenā€™t unlocked the mask from crates so very few people would have it, but there is a chance present with every crate, if that makes sense.

It would have value by forcing a well acceptable purchase. Making it RNG removes all value because right now the only ones who have it are those who pre-ordered. Making it like $10 is fair to me (fuck it, Iā€™d drop 20). Those who pre-ordered still have bragging rights as to not having paid extra, and the rest of us can finally have the flagship character. Imagine if there was a terminator game with the terminator locked to preorderā€¦ its just shitty ideas.


You make good points. Not to mention almost every Jungle Hunter 87ā€™ Iā€™ve versed has resulted in them being defused 5 minutes into the game, they donā€™t back the name up what so ever šŸ˜‚

I think I saw a few last year but never any since. Still, I have an empty build saved specifically to emulate OG Predator but Iā€™m stuck with these awful designs. 87 Pred has the default darkest armor, and without the needless red lights on the arm.

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My favorite little feature is the tube that connects the gauntlet and what not lol

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Berserker also has the same cord. Shame itā€™s not on any other classesā€¦ not sure why.

Delete this post! its filthy!


Actual Bait. Yaā€™ll really just ate the Onion rn.

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I donā€™t play this game 24/7 like the majority of you here. I only play it a few time a week for a few hours, I donā€™t earn enough in game currency to get what I want, thatā€™s why Iā€™m suggesting the real money option, itā€™s an OPTION for those who would want it, while keeping the old system as is, so hard to understand?

ā€œPlay and earnā€ duplicates 99% of the time with an RNG casino style system.

No thanks.

I only play this a handful of times a week due to having both school and work. In those few games I do get in I can get a good chunk of VT from just looting the map since most preds you encounter in pubs suck. If they were to implement an option to spend real money into the game for the cosmetics you can earn at decent pace then it would just piss people off.

OP are you rich or something?