Please rate Kass' performance as forum mod

Then get good.
If it’s toxic to you, something is wrong with you not bein able to defeat them.

you get gud. Playing in a death squad you can play blind folded.

Wrong, many pred players defeat DS

now you’re playing me mofo. when the conversation only leads to one liners.

This is exactly how it makes low brow players like yourself to stroke your own ego and become toxic.

I don’t, you seem very much egocentric and calling others egocentric.
You are just simply not being good at the game as predator.
How am I being toxic with that statement and how do I ‘‘stroke my own ego’’? While that is literally on you.

How is that? What platform are you playing on? As a PC player that can go up against PS fireteams and i take on too many potatoes .

You are being toxic for assuming I lose all my games. which simply isnt’ true. So this toxicity needs to stop with you.

Then get good… practice with better players. I never assumed that you lose all of your games, I just pointed out that by your definiton DS is toxic to you, which implies that you hate playing against good people that you can lose against, because many predator players can win against them too. That is not toxic, that is you being a crybaby.

This is where its like talking to a child. I’m already winning games and sometimes barely because i go up against challenging players mixed with PS and PC alike. Rather than jump into an all PC FT Squad.

WHY THE FUCK AM I HAVING THIS CONVERSATION WITH YOU Which has already been evident so long ago?

Sure, like Fire self reflecting. If you are winning the games against challenging players, why do you call DS toxic? Apparently they are still too powerful for you so for 1 loss among 9 wins, you get brutally mad and frustrated? So much about who’s ego is being stroked. You self-contradict completely. PC only or PS only doesn’t matter, if you are good enough, you would beat all types of challenging players.

What happened to @LukeSkywalker3 ? you fuck hole? Get banned too many times?

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Ego stroking yourself?

luke gay wanker~!


Multiple TOS infractions. Sending out Morse code K.A.S.S.



Guys, please stop arguing for a moment and enjoy majestic and inspiring photo of the Russian Black Sea fleet 🫡



I know… it didn’t sink, it was promoted to submarine!


I know UA did. But both RU and UA have Navy, UA has no more, but they had.

Show who voted. Why hide it?

She was a power hungry bitch.