Please rate Kass' performance as forum mod

    1. Kass did a good job
    1. Kass did an average job
    1. Kass did a bad job

0 voters

My vote was a trial because I’m never sure with the option of what groups should be included.

I mean she did her job as well as reach out to the community as well as gave members a chance to shine with IllFonic (when they seemed to interact with us more).

That’s just my experience though so yeah.

We haven’t seen her in a very long time and her account is gone so i assume she got fired

Employment termination = bad job

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Kass showed blatant favoritism, ignored TOS & precedent set by OKH and C, suppressed people calling out IllFonic’s shady business practices, and abused admin powers to ban people she disagreed with, despite said people were well within the TOS, and she banned those who called her out for that too.
Her actions drove away a majority of the community here, as before Kass there were roughly 80+ active users, and after Kass was done it went down to between 20-30.
She was only nice to content creators, as they had the platform to spread the word if she directed her misuses to them.

Easily the worst mod we ever had here, even those who used to poke fun at Courier for being serious all the time welcomed him back.


isn’t that just like any rabid psycho fanbase where every fart from he developers is criticized.

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i wouldnt be. content creators are rarely even moderated and most are suicidal novices planning to start their jobs at Wendys.

Courier was compitent. but then nobody knows how to police the police.

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You wouldn’t think that bigger impact of driving away people was illfonic failure with the game? I think Kass’ impact was minimal compared to that.

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I think if this forum had never existed we would be on AVPGalaxy and get banned over and over again.

For them to allow us this playground of tomfoolery is exceptionally rare in a gaming community.

We usually entertain each other, and when one of us has virality they might actually let us do what we do and pretend they are us!

So even if you didn’t follow the Kass fiasco, it was and probably always will be devs incognito.

The results are that we got banned too much regardless of who anyone pretended to be.

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On the contrary she did not ignore TOS, people who got banned by her and suspended did. There was no abusal of her admin powers because people disagreed, but because people were promoting violence and harrassments and casting vile slurs. The community has drove themselves out by their own lack of action. She did proper job and community was shinning. People who are complaining about her are the ones that are shady and ignoring TOS and their own consequences of their actions. They hate accountability.

She did aight. Super bumpy start but eventually got settled into it. And then she got fired for giving us what we wanted.


It all started with those lousy Russian PC players. They played all day with the same people and some of them were socially recharded. So the toxicity stemmed from that. Then those who hacked and decompiled the game acted high and mighty. Then they got toxic. Then we all followed them and those who liked what they leaked made people toxic too. Now we can’t stop the toxic.

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It all started before Russian players, it has nothing to do with it.

explain wtf are you saying?

Burden of proof is on you.
This forum has almost no Russian players at all my dude. Nor it ever had.

My bad, I label too many middle-aged accented from Portugal as Russians. and anyone labelling their usernames with RU or DeathSquad DS as Russians. Call me prejudice.

When they play DS all day long then you know its called for.

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What’s wrong with that?

playing DS? Fuckin low lifers.! thats why!
After a few games it gets boring! There is no challenge. The only benefit is to stroke your own ego and win all the time.

So how is playing in party with friends being toxic and how is that no challenge?

in an OP squad ? there is no challenge.

It can most certainly become toxic.