thats is incorrect the director of the movie even stated this in an interview. sorry but thats false he is JH87

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I’m sorry but his canon background is that he is a member or leader of JH’s clan.

The director wanting him to actually be JH would remove the movie from canon. JH died.

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While he may technically be a different character he’d still be another JH clone, I’d rather they not make clone characters and add skins/classes that are different enough from each other where you don’t have to look at the leader board to figure what exactly it is.

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well the guy that made the movie made it canon and he at the time hold the rights to the movie so its cannon sorry to disapoint you… i really am but im telling you he did not

His class would likely be different from JH’s standard Hunter. With his own class features and different stats.

He’s likely far down the production line, if he’s even on it. He’s his own character and isn’t the same model as JH.

@SammyToeJr, it can be your canon all you like. Every source I’ve seen states he is his own character and a tribute to the original or classic. As illfonic controls the canon now, it’s up to them to decide.

My position is that as long as he isn’t the same skin and has his own name and features, ideally his own class. He’s in the clear. You don’t have to agree.

Well he doesn’t have to be a Clone because he is visually similar but different enough. He could be a Scout/Elder variant with the same stats, or he could be an Armor you could equip to a default Predator to make them look like JH87. I thought of the Armor theme idea a wile back
Themed Armor/Outfits for Classes


I’d also like to add the kindred killer

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its not mine im saying the maker of the movie when he owned the rights to predator made it cannon that he. did. not. die. Period case closed.

I dont think your fully understanding here this is like me asking you if its ok for me to use your story you made up in my story. and you say yes you can use what ever you want about my story and then i made it cannon that in my story your character didnt die. well now your character didnt die i dont care what you wanted for your story you gave me the right to do that.

thats what happened.

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Where was any of that in the movie?

where was what?

Any of what you just said.

None of that was in the movie. The directors head canon was not presented in the movie he made. Crucified is never shown to be JH, or JH surviving for that matter.

i never said it was shown in the movie i said the director in an interview for 2010’s predator said and i qoute, " it was very cool to bring back the monster that started it all" and " i know most fans arnt too happy that revenant ( witch in the commic book that was the name of the predator ) lived however i think that once people see the movie they’ll have a different opinion on the matter"

To use an analogy, there’s a guy who writes Spider-Man comics, after he’s done writing he says Aunt May was really madam web and uncle Ben was really the beyonder and so that’s now Spider-Man canon.

It isn’t, it was never shown to the audience or enshrined in the canon.

if you own the rights and wrighten the movie that way then yes it does… just cause no one saids in the movie " hey isnt that the same predator from that one moment in history?" doesnt mean it wasnt wrighten into the story.

He did not own the rights, he was hired to do a piece of work for hire. Same goes for the screen writer. If the director did not show it in the movie or enshrine it in canon, then it isn’t.
It has literally been years and the canon as of right now is that he isn’t JH but a member of his clan.

I don’t find your argument convincing. The director missed his opportunity to do that if it was intended.

PS. A Fox approved script that definitively states that he is JH, could change my mind but I would seek other sources, that are more recent before changing my stance. A script would be evidence and would add weight to your position.

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if he didnt own the rights he would be breaking the law to make a predator movie. thats falls under coppy rights… so since hes still a director and the movie can still be bought on online stores. i’d argue he did own the rights

That’s not how IP rights work.
He was hired to direct a movie for the IP holder Fox.

Fox did not give him the property, they payed him to add value to it.

Ownership and licences are two separate things. Ownership means you own the IP (Intellectual Property), a license means you have a limited amount of authority to produce approved additions or goods for sale. A company that makes an action figure of Batman does not own Batman, they have a licence to produce a product in his likeness.

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do you know how that makes no sense right?

your trying to tell me you can pay to use the characters the name the same lines from the other movies but your telling me he cant make things cannon? look i get it you like the commics but you do see how that is clear as mud right?

He could have made it canon if it was shown in some fashion. It wasn’t. Not sure why that’s hard to understand.

If a comic writer said he made uncle Ben the Beyonder but never showed it uncle Ben would still be dead. JH is still dead in the canon.

Using other lines that are part of the canon, Fox approved the edit and content of the movie. The director did a job, it’s a fun if popcorn action movie. He didn’t buy the ownership of the property from the studio, he was an employee doing a job.

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what? again does someone really need to come out and say it in the movie to be true? the guy that made the movie said it is. your trying to say hes not.

ok did you make the movie. no. i know who did and its sure as fuck isnt you. so given the choice between the guy that made the movies and held the rights at the time witch you can look that up too he did, or some random 20 year old with a god complex, im going with the guy that did the work. seems fair.