Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

Releasing the same character with a different name, with the goal of getting the preorder character is wrong.

It’s why he would be rip off.

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EDIT: This is actually directed at LazyHunter

If you missed the Pre-order thats on them.

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Yeah, that’s what we’re all doing every time we see you’ve posted more inane, dumb BS

EDIT: This is actually directed at LazyHunter

I mean if thats how you feel about it then good for you.

Actually man, I owe you an apology - got you mixed up with the other lazy idiot. Sorry about that.

Re me ‘spamming’ that gif: well, tough shit on that I’m afraid - certain threads deserve it!

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Damn thats all kinds of awkward lmao

Do you have any problem with me, idiot?

Also you already know how good I am at dealing with beings like you. Ask your other buddy who had a mental breakdown on this forum.

Why do you not react to those guys who call me out?


You’re some random dude on the internet. Nobody is having a breakdown because of your never-ending rants. People are just bored sick of them.

This is why we need some mods, no banning but locking this topic up.

You and your buddies make rants and I exposed you here. That is why you are still butt-hurt.

Better clean up your act.

I think it won’t change anything. Those brats will start bragging about it in other threads.

But of course I can start reporting them to the mods too as it has been already suggested.

I’m at work tourist, you haven’t won anything but contempt as far as I see.

Alright everyone stfu…

Lazy im not here to play defender but im also not gonna sit by and watch dumb ass arguments like this. Fight your own fights or dont fight at all.

Everyone else dont be dickheads. Mods will be here within the next hour or so. So if i were you guys i wouldnt risk it.

Hey that last one was not an attack, it was an observation. 😁

I have won and you should listen to your buddy Lazycollinator.

Also lol at contempt of insignificant kids who cannot behave properly.

you didnt win. But neither did they.

@Courier @OldKingHamlet. Im sure they will have fun with this topic. Im hoping for a response on this thread along the lines of welp should have pre-ordered the game. Lol