POLL: Who will buy Isabelle's DLC?

10 bucks for both the FT and Pred.

With both being separate purchases for 7

With accompanied weapons and gear as early access of course.

Je pensais 4 février

J’espère que tu as raison

mais ils ont juste fait un livestream

Hopefully continually supporting the game will in turn provide continued content and support by the devs, for the game.

We don’t invest, why would they?


Should have got Royce instead but I guess Isabel was probably cheaper lol

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If we get her and a new sniper and her class is actually unique. But we wont. She’ll just be stronger recon. So probably not

Will buy any DLC, for supporting da game to make it better. I recommend to do the same for all of you. Not complain and whine, but support. Let’s make predator great again))


Vote options are limited and leading (‘no’ automatically means you’re done with the game?)

I won’t be buying it for the simple reason I don’t play FT at all anymore, so it would be a waste of money.

As for the ‘supporting the Devs’ argument - this isn’t a charity. I paid for the game and will buy the DLC I’m interested in. I might have felt more inclined to ‘support’ by buying DLC I won’t use, if the game wasn’t so full of bugs.

Yeah, let’s just blindly throw our money at Illfonic. That has worked wonders for this game thus far.


I bought every DLC once it came out and I will also buy this DLC directly.
Because I play this game nearly every day since the trial and love it. I crossed 900 hours of playtime, so paying 5-7€ to have a little bit more fun for an unlimited amount of time is a steal if you also consider that we play on their server infrastructure that also costs money and energy.
And I want to support Illfonic to become better, even if the trolls with their 2-digit IQ’s here will now jump at me for this.


I’ll only buy FT DLC when they go on sale

Amiba you’ve got my full support on this one, however its not an easy task when 3 paid DLCs are preds dressed as humans (for some sick fucking reason) and a football player completely not related to the lore, also long awaited new game mode is basically COD with some pred accents in it…

Not that I’m complaining or something XDDD, but I’ve lost hopes in regards to DLCs – Sony is turning this game in to a shit show with their decision making. I’m just hoping for bug fixes. I like this game the way it is right now.

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4 words to sum this up:
1. Samurai (Predator in historically accurate human samurai armour - why?)
2. Viking (Predator in historically accurate human Viking armour/clothing - seriously??)
3. Dante (Some random dude completely not related to the lore in movies or books - for fuck sakes…)
4. Clash - WTF was that supposed to be?



Or they could go the otherway and say including Preds from all the movies? Why? Whats the point in that? You can’t sell toys or an original narrative in the future. So why bother?

Adding these dlcs and other wierd characters works neither for the franchise but not doing doing it would probably have people going that they’ve painted themselves into a corner rather adding some sort of mystery and probable larger picture to the game. Either way if they did everything you wanted them to do, they’d probably do the same thing eventually.

Considering they aren’t giving us a AAA open world cinematic experience.

To me the DLC’s doesnt change the gameplay. Its still there. just fluff it is. At least they released stuff that looks good.

I’ve always wanted her or Royce in the game for quite a while so yeah I would probably buy it unless they charge a ridiculous price for her.

See I’m not entirely against them making things up like this for characters. I mean they gave him an original back story and everything. Just because he’s a former professional athlete shouldn’t mean anything. If it were Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or Terry Crews I don’t think it would be recieved as negatively. Granted they have a little more big screen credibility but Marshawn has more gamer cred so…I don’t really hate on Dante so much for that.

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I’ve never understood that hate, just because the character is based off a professional football player does not mean that the character Dante is Marshawn Lynch himself. He’s a his own character within the games universe just like Dutch isn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I can understand not liking the character because it just doesn’t appeal to you but hating on it only because of the person he’s modeled after is just dumb.


Plus it’s really neat i think for original FT characters in game. I mean you’ve got the 4 generic soldier types, then the Dutches. One who is the original character, the other brought in from the companion book to the game.

Dante is promising as an expansion to the lore and some creativity on the devs part. Granted I think the community wants to see more lore established characters but I love the idea of brand new characters brought into the mix as well and the game expanding the series lore itself a bit.

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Have to admit, when they first announced him I was a bit ‘WTF?’, but I’m not particularly bothered about him either way now. Probably helps that I had no idea who the fuck he was. As long as the characters and dialogue isn’t too goofy or immersion breaking (like say, a Meryl Streep DLC), I’m pretty flexible when it comes to what they include on the FT side.

What FT gets in way of DLC is going depend a lot on who Illfonic can afford to buy the likeness rights of and get to come in to record voice lines. I imagine a lot of the actors associated with the movies shouldn’t be too expensive, but some of them may simply not want to bother doing it or have other commitments. For instance, I can’t see Carl Weathers needing the money or having the time/inclination now that he has the Mandalorian gig.