POLL: Who will buy Isabelle's DLC?

Same… Apparently they were banking on the chance there would be some overlap in the community with sportsball fans?

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The next Predator film will have 0% to do with this game. It’s going to be taking place in the 17-1800s with an Apache Indian. It’s more likely that Illfoninc will give us the main character of that film, along with an apache bow…/sarcastic/not sarcastic.


I’d like to, for supporting the game, but I’ve never played as a female character. I have to think about it.

I can’t say that the DLC’s that we have are exactly what I was waiting for the most. Of course, I rather would like to get some canon predators from da movies in first. But anyway, I found this samurai and viking predators quite interesting. Cuz I myself like to create some concept art, fantasize about what a predator would be like if he’ll hunted in a certain historical period on our planet in different parts of the world. So I understand devs, they are in creativity process. I would do the same :3

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You and me bro! I’ve almost had a divorce once because of the time I spend in 3d editors creating preds and stuff XDDD

Let me answer that one – just like they looked in the movies. Some time-period related trophies hanging here and there, some different variations of masks and armours but in general just like from Predator and Predator 2. Why do I think so? That’s because Jungle Hunter, despite hunting soldiers armed with rifles in present times, still looked like one would expect a predator to look like – like an alien monster. He did not ware camo pants, there is no camo paint on him and no bullet prove vest, he is also not using an assault rifle or combat knife. The whole idea of him is to be as alien as possible, not resembling its human prey. Complete opposite to Illfonics idea of Samurai and Viking. Don’t get me wrong, I like the art, I think 3d design is fantastic. Its just not related to the lore established by the movies.

I’ve also failed to see City Hunter wearing shorts, doing cocaine and running around with an AK-47 ;-)


Why do you think they come to Earth?

Grass and white lines bruh!

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Can’t blame the bastards, can we ;-)

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Yup, that’s why CH went after gangs, he knew who had the best shit. xD

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Suddenly all that crap with splicing human DNA makes sense!!!

@IllFonic - we want the next pred to be a historically accurate drug dealer! But with everything! Golden chains, golden limo, golden ak74su, golden teeth –the full package!
I want his shoulder cannon to shoot bolts of pure Columbian cocaine!

@BadBlood - see what I meant? I’m immune ;-)

We need this dude in PHG. xD

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We need to make this guy in to a predator… I know! Since the last two pred DLCs are Yautja specimens dressed in human clothing and armour than to spice things up and keep it fresh his time Illfonic needs to take this dude, strip him naked and put jungle hunter armour on him – and there we have it – new predator class DLC!!!

Right, I’ll better shut up now. Few months ago I’ve joked on forums about giving FT a missile launcher and look what happened…

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If illfonic makes a cuttlefish predator or puts some kind of cuttlefish in the game I’ll buy any DLC they make

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I like your idea, I mean, if NFL player can come into PHG, at this point, everyone can. xD

Since we have Dante The B3AS-T (nobody needed him tbh), I vote on having

Larry The F/_\T

Make it happen Illfonic!

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Cuttlefish predator confirmed



Why not a Sith Predator as well!

Will a Seth Predator suffice?

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Teh Dirk Lurd Off Teh Seth

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