POLL: Who will buy Isabelle's DLC?

Yup, dont you love it when people misinterpret shit when they don’t bother to read the post in it’s entirety?

may you rest in peace…cont.

So that’s PROBABLY the source from which he got it.

But not garunteed

Also it doesn’t change you argument at all. Your argument was that his source was PROBABLY not a leak.

yeah i also didnt say it was official. What are you trying to say man? The cringe on me is growing with you. Either re-read or stop it. Didnt you read his reponse? He said he read it here in the forums. then i replied with Cadillackids post. How was i arguing? What was i argueing? I already said, i don’t think it is a leak. Which means…well the term leak means it accidentally was published by an official source on a tweet somewhere.

You got a brain bug dude?

Its proven to split the playerbase. I’d just stop playing till the maps are released for everyone. I won’t be manipulated into paying for something indont really want.


So how do we end the content drought?

It costs money for them to make content

It costs more money for more substantial content

What is this “we” kimosabe? How about the devs make content people WANT to buy? New maps and modes should be free, stand alone updates. They can charge for the new characters, let the players vote with their wallets.


Like jungle hunter?

DO NOT SAY THAT NAME the JH threads are lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment don’t give it to them

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I agree, but if we look back at the history of this game, new map and weapons came free.
On the other hand, I fail to see why is NFL player in the Predator game.

Why is Austrian Body Builder in the movie/game?

I get wanting movie characters but it doesn’t mean they are the only ones who can exist in this universe

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Ya I don’t understand it either.

No one was asking for Mira In siege and she’s one of the most popular characters.

Especially when the Predator series is known for huge muscle men which is what marshawn is

Fits the bill perfectly

They can’t afford getting all the movie people otherwise they would have

The generic as fuck FT the game came with is boring

Marshawn brought in a huge scoop of flavor

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Well if you wanna look at it that way, we can question any actor about his / her past, which doesn’t serve any purpose at all.

For me it was just weird, because when I saw Dante Beast or whatever DLC, I was like


I had no idea who he was as I don’t watch NFL

Brandon Lee would be great for this game

Also Olivia Munn 😍

I just hope PHG is making some kind of plan for a full game or film. If a film proceeds this game, I’m cool with that. But still. Something is needed. Its too immense and intense of a film franchise to not do anything much larger.

I don’t think a film is necessary when you have a video game that is more than capable of telling a story

It’s the only one rn : /

Yeah, no… If you didn’t pre-order, you’re SOL. That was a choice we all had to make. A true predator fan would have known about it long before launch anyway. I chose not to pre-order, because I’ve learned my lesson. Pre-ordering is for chumps. Let the chumps enjoy their special toy.

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