Possible 4 games with Xenos now?


i-is that a space cobra?!?!


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you’re not impressed, Its fine. Its fine. At least it was a hit…several. You are not. It was a remarkable feat of success…i am looking at you…a failure.

We a needed a established Ultramorph in whatever Canon yesterday.

I want to see a Ultramorph slap around a group of Preds like nonething.

Xenomorphs walking on two feet with a human posture before sperging out looks creepy af. kind of like when you see bears do it.
They rarely use it. I also think they should’ve kept the OG xeno crabwalk in, the world wasnt ready.

Unnatural movements are perfect, Alien Isolation did it well. Rather than having it just crawl around like a bug.


Is that all you got? Well i got something for you:

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There is nothing wrong with how alien was made:
Ridley Scott alone with nobody=

or this:


Result of strategy =

Now if you don’t understand that, you’ll need to listen to this that came out 2 years prior to Earthling and go WTF (this is essentially Brandywine Productions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandywine_Productions
…Blade Runner in its spirit):

I wouldn’t fuck with any of this…time will tell where modern story telling of horror sci-fi will go to.
Its started with HP Lovecraft you know? In my eyes HP Lovecraft was great in storytelling, but of course was a product of it’s times. 1920s? The details of a vegatable couldn’t be ever lame in 2020s but there were general censorships then too. You couldn’t tell horror stories the way you wanted to and it molded what the genre was.

Today, it might be the same deal. We can only know what modern audience can comprehend quickly. Thats the movie going audience. So unless sciences expose certain things to the public, we are usually delt with details people can understand within a 10 year radius of highschool or univercity education. or at least what is accepted from modern science journals.

nothing wrong with this…but
…that was one single moment of narrative. lasting a few seconds.

Do you know what Luden’s is in Hideo Kojima’s production? Do you know what the Ludens looks like in all it’s layering?
I can’t say that there is more to tell within a story about designs within designs (if infact that those mysteries aren’t meant to be revealed). But if they can’t move into more details about the xenomorph, we are forced to see what little they give us. Its been exploited to hell. The Xeno is dry and nothing more than a monkey jumping around on the walls. If they don’t add more to what it is internally then there is no more story to tell. The problem is the capability of technology to bring it to life it seems.

Doesn’t Aliens have more products to result in more sales?

8 movies to 6, making this statistic irrelevant?

I guess you could say the CO’S don’t care but still

Aliens to Predator have about the same in products overall, since NECA has been and still does release figures based on both franchises. Several other companies do as well, like the ones you see at Walmart. Which side generates the most revenue, that I don’t know, but I assume in the collector’s market its about even. That numerical statistic is just based off of box office revenue, but overall it shows more people went to see an Alien-themed film than a Predator-themed film (even if you remove the AVP films from the totals, the Alien franchise still comes out on top overall).

Its just a bunch of old farts who collect cheap plastic figurines. Not even high end japanese models from indie studios. I haven’t seen the amount of attention paid to these as theMarvel figurines go for in that market. More over NECA collectors are few and they aren’t really expensive. so they don’t make alot. Who here are NECA collectors? How many find it hard to find? Who here are just preordering what is available? They arent expensive are they? probably not.

…blatant sarcasm is blatant, as per expectations. But I myself have collected NECAs, 99% of the Godzilla line actually (I skipped the last two variants because ew). I own a few others, one being a City Hunter. Also they aren’t “cheap, plastic”, per se. They’re quite detailed and well made, very articulated. And they cost around $25-30 dollars, more for bigger figures, a lot more for discontinued or con exclusive ones. And NECA would be out of business if the collectors were few, mate. Trust me, there are many, many people who collect them. Their biggest central lines cater towards the horror genre, TMNT, followed by both Alien and Predator.


Thats a agood pricepoint. My past experience with figurines were the Todd Toys which were like 12 or so dollars?..I got the Alien 3 fiturine and the predatorhunter …which are in my storage never to be seen again.

Predator is also the franchise that had a lawsuit that put all content in legal trouble. There’s reason there’s no tie-ins.

It’s not like we weren’t about to get content. The problem was entirely on the Thomas brothers holding everything up and by the time it got sorted out we’re a stones throw away from the film. Nobody had anything ready because legally they couldn’t.

Ya so it’s just the movies, so again wouldn’t the box office numbers be tilted by the number of films in the alien franchise? Especially with aliens 2 additional films being in the prime of their era?

I’m having trouble understanding what you’re saying. The number there are total box office returned from every film in the franchise. $1.4 billion for every Alien and Prometheus, plus both AVPs. $542 million is every Predator film, plus both AVPs. That’s a huge, huge financial gap. Either way you look at it, even if you remove the AVP films and Prometheus and keep it just in name only, Alien still outmatches Predator.

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More products = more money

Sad yautja sounds

They can make a billion pred films it will never have the traction of Alien

One franchise is hard sci-fi the other is a B-movie featuring the invisible man.
The only real draw was Arnie at the height of his 80’s action career.

Note diehards watch it for the pred but the vast majority do not and this is a pew, pew, blood, shoot alien franchise for the average viewer. no one cares about comic lore and expanding honorshit, especially not the directors. It’s a straightforward “Slasher villain hunts the best of the best” premise that never had a lot of wiggle room to begin with.