Possible 4 games with Xenos now?

So…did disney test 2 “smaller studios” to see which franchise is more profitable, now they are just putting all their eggs into the Alien/Xeno basket?

Pretty upset we won’t have anything to look forward to play after watching Prey.

Also no amount of want to really capitalize on the new movies hype.

PHG surely isn’t 😕

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The alien franchise is more profitable. $1.4 billion in box office revenue, compared to Predator’s $542 million. This includes both AVP movies for both sides. Stack on additional revenue from supplemental material like toys, books, games, etc. and the winner is still obvious.


The influences of the powers that be by those who created it. Thats why they knighted Ridley Scott.
Dudes a power house and created Alien with the sole intention of using everything at his disposal during that time. i’m not sure when he became such a powerful director during the creation of Alien because he was really mastering the use of budget. He either had plenty of people behind him,otherwise you wouldnt believe it. He had more commercials under his direction than anyone and that could have just been his network.

But anywayss, without Alien existing we wouldn’t have what we have. Its more of a miracle that it was made by all the accounts of those involved.

HR Giger’s autism was there every step of the way designing set peices and costumes.

Prometheus was bad because they just let Scott go off the rails and no one told him no. Covenant was his response to people telling him no.
One way or the other he wants to make the franchise another Blade Runner/Raised By Wolves and android-focused, his monsters lack inspiration.

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I believe he meant it to be a cinematic response to Frank Herbert or Isak Asimov.

its the same asimov tropes in his same android films/shows

how many times can he tell the same human vs android story?

eevery step he takes he tries to tie it in with modern commentary. So as the many years pass, he stays relavant rather than make giant unbelievable leaps like george lucas does or Foundation.

like making the fossilized guy in the chair a suit worn by giant humans?

was anyone like “yeah this is a good change and i love me some goo monsters and giant starfish”

utter lack of inspiration

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idont see how he does. Ash was never an asimov trope. none of it is.Its not even Frank Herbert trope.
A Ridley scott trope is mainly a cautionary tale.

who said they were human? Do the engineers look human (as in the diverse cultural existence of regularly evolved ape to man)? I would be pretty freaked out seeing a tribe of genetically engineered monosexual religious crazies bent on using physichs defying ships to send viruses to reboot life on planets.

Wouldn’t you @Finessology or are you too busy?

yes its boring as all hell, so are giant starfish

durrr i must obey special order

you are some degenerate

Ask yourself if Alien would have been successful had the xenomorph been a giant starfish

The art and sets are 90% of the franchise, not Ridley’s forced transhumanisms

Possibly I’d assassinate Dan Obannon for pursuing Goerge Lucas on making Alien in 1979. But tht never happened did it.

ok, lets start over Finess…what do you think a star fish looks like? We should just do a podcast, we’d figure out your glitch soon enough. I’m not convinced that either you think HR giger is the entire one to blame for Directing the Art direction…since if you’ve read any of the art books you’d know where it went from his his concepts to finished product. HR Giger was the man, but the noodling was done around the clock by those invovled.

Yes this had something to do with everyhing, as well as HR giGer. Ron Cobb…dan Obannon…what have you.
Why are you taking a side?!?!!? Whats your problem? Whats your gltich?

gee lets see where it is without him


aaaah a space octopus oh noooo!

Whats this?..wha? …huh? MMMMMMMMM…you go too far…

I…i can’t

…then you say other stuff that make me think but its wrong because you go on a tangent!

Why can’t you just stick with the subject ???

ooooh noooo tentacles this monsters so creative im going INSANE IM HAVING AN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS AAAAH ANDROIDS

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good you’re upset. Now you know how i feel: