Possible idea

Honestly just sitting here wondering, I play both pred and FT and I shred as predator and FT but Im curious why they don’t just make IR the only vision and that weird red spectrum? Why is normal human color spectrum a thing it would be a pretty solid game changer in terms of balance without having to throw all these weird balance changes at both teams, it would stick to the lore a little we all know predator has some sort of red spectrum with mask off and IR and UV and other visions with mask on why not just follow that, because honestly and idk about you guys but when Im going sweaty I never use infrared much easier to see ppl without it and keep an eye in them and mud doesn’t work to the normal human eye. It would make mudding up actually worth it and playing cautious and slow a thing ( if they made AI not a mindless hip firing creature with insane tracking skills lol) idk I just find it would make it more difficult for pred sticking to the lore and you would rely more on tools like the sound indicators and motion trackers. Idk i could be out to let field on this just an opinion and idea

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That just sounds too painful for my eyes.
Not being sarcastic, like it would eventually be too much strain on people’s eyes.

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Moi j avais déjà penser à ça le predator devrait avoir seulement la vision infrarouge comme le film pour le réalisme et le respect de ça création car je me dit que la boue ne sert à rien c ridicule


Predator vision without the helmet is actually inconsistent.
Jungle Hunter’s is red whereas City Hunter’s is blue looking as if he never took off the helmet. While it is a goof in Predator 2, it is a canonical goof as it hasn’t been corrected. Neca lore (which is canonical) would also suggest they can see some semblance of color like Humans can so the whole thing is inconsistent be it between films or even the backstories for the toys.

Though I think even I suggested somewhere that the thermal vision stays and it’s just the Jungle Hunter version. Though for game-play reasons it probably should stay the same way as the point of removing the mask is to make it harder to track FT. While giving the Predator a vision mode without mask is consistent with the first film, being that it’s inconsistent across the board makes the whole thing iffy and ignores one of the reasons you’d even shoot the mask off.

No thanks. I’m not that much of a lore head just run the perk where thermal uses less energy if you want it always to be thermal vision

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Agree with you OP but I put like 100 hours into BTZ invasion mode on Dying Light when everyone else was like “wah i cant see!”

Predator having FT vision is dumb and im not sure why it was done as it makes thermal & things like thermal nades completely useless as its not like there’s a lock-on feature. You track better with thermal off because you can actually hear & its not like its hard to tell who’s AI. Illfonic is too casual to nerf pred vision though. Maybe one day in a hardcore mode.

Movie vision would be too much but a drowned out red filter & some intense grain at a distance would work. But illfonic couldnt get current thermal vision right anyways, its too clean & arcadey kind of like everything else in the game right now

C est vrai que la grenade thermique ne sert à rien du coup chez pas faire une thermique qui fait pas mal au yeux faut illfonic retravaille ça

Hardcore mode would be sick!!!

Upped lethality on both sides. FREE BANE FOR EVERY PLAYER!

No HUD at all. You can still press the map button and it will have your inventory etc here now

Predator must use breathing mask intermittently if bio mask is destroyed

FT moves/interacts slower when low on HP

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Imagine if we actually had FUNCTIONAL STEALTH for both sides instead of this clown fiesta.

Cool stealth kill animations for FT on AI

We need to be able to throw/retrieve our knives!!

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I want a from behind take down, stab or slit. Both would be fun.

More stealth in general and while they’re at it, give FT Scout Silence instead of pick up speed.

PS. Knife throw would be great, especially if I have a second melee, 😉.

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