Pred queues going up again...UGH


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Dead or notā€¦ I still want that damn Jungle Hunter šŸ˜­

After playing battlefield 2042, I literally cannot tolerate playing as FT. I can play as predator, because itā€™s different enough. When going back to playing FT, all of the shortcomings of the game are amplified. Terrible aim smoothness on console, robotic AI, uninteresting missions, and crappy gunplay are just too much. Unfortunately, without a huge overhaul to gameplay mechanics, I donā€™t think PHGā€™s player base will ever recover now that Vanguard, 2042, and the new Halo game have released. šŸ˜¢


Halo infinite while having a shitty progression system is just fun as all hell to play. The only way I can play FT now is if Iā€™m playing with someone else and we have nothing else to play.

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Didnā€™t they fix it?
Cause it makes sense they reduced the amount of XP you got in the beta or whatever it was


sort of right now is skewed towards short gaming sessions which is fine but the people who like to grind a game for 4+ hours a day are a bit mad

but there are such bigger issues with infinite honestly hte progression isnā€™t that big of a deal compared to the otthers

Ahh meant b4b

I see
I heard the customization got gutted is that true?

Not really, the progression is still tied to challenges and daily rewards for just playing. Thereā€™s no real skill based progression, you can go 25-0 in a match and youā€™ll earn the exact same as the guy on the team that went 3-15. The challenges atm are also interfering with team based modes since people are prioritizing getting their challenges done than actually playing the objectives.

Ah I see

yeah customizations were gutted in favor of potential microtransactions same with popular modes like fiesta infeciton and grifball which will only be limited time playlists to support in game events to advertise limited time only cosmetic microtransactions

and also lack of content in general as this halo has the least amount of multiplayer content on release in the franchise history while also having one of thet longest development time for a halo title which is very concerning

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All I know is that the campaign better be good.

The campaign about half way through is going to be about commander shepherd coming in as an alcoholic is gonna kill everyone and fuck everyone.

In that order.

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I saw that twist coming a mile away

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@TheSenate quick twist his nipples!


Just another F13 : /

Probs 3 to 4 years before they pull the servers like they did F13

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Thatā€™s actually a very accurate comparison

Good soldiers follow orders.


wait times are now 4 minutes man! FIX YO FUCKIN GAME ILLFONIC!

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