Predator [Bot]Alpha Confirmed


Whatā€™s that mean? Is that a bug? šŸ§

Same thoughts hereā€¦

Or maybe they have pred bot data in game that theyā€™re not telling us about and it somehow bugged into the match?

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Theyā€™d be insane to have an AI predator! Iā€™d love to go against it


Oh for fuck sake

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Most likely would be bugged to hell, just like the bot FT that only follows you even through cloak and does nothing else.

itā€™s a UI glitch, not a bug. weā€™ve had it before, it just loads as FT

weā€™ve also had 5 FT in the lobby and one eventually gets picked as pred once the match starts

or the match does not start at allā€¦

Thereā€™s a difference between a glitch and a bug.

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Damnit noo šŸ‘Ž

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time to throw more shit AI in and stop supporting the game you think?

follows w/ F13 I wouldnā€™t be surprised.

Can you confirm or deny if this is whatā€™s occurring?

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Great now we have to deal with randoms and the bots defecting to the predators side ffs.

Iā€™ve seen it happen once or twice, the second pred player spawns in as FT as they normally would have. Itā€™s the same as when someone is loaded in but on everyoneā€™s screen itā€™s says waiting.

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weā€™ve had multiple glitches in the UI loading screens. I will enumerate them along with their respective outcomes.

Predator player shows as ā€œWaitingā€ (blank) for some players, while it shows for others

One FT player whoā€™s in the party may not appear in the lobby to other FT player. Is random, Player A may not who up for Player B, but will show for Player C and D. Player C may see A and B, but will not see Player D. And so on and so on.

5 Ft players may show up in the loading screen. The match may or may not proceed. Iā€™d say 50% of the time it does not progress and everyone just leave the lobby. If it does proceed, everyone loads in normally.

More than one player shows up as Predator in the loading screen. If the match starts it loads only one player as Pred. The bot will not load into the match.

There are also several glitches related to the resize of the loadout layout that Iā€™m pretty sure you are aware of.

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I believe it may be related to people choosing ā€œNo Preferenceā€ when the queue up for a match

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Iā€™m gonna be a broken record but at least throw in gauntlet mode before quitting on it all together not a AI predator or if they wanna do that drop gauntlet mode first

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inb4 gauntlet is just waves of bot AI and predator

Perhaps but so long as they donā€™t come in with an empty loadout then they should be fine otherwise itā€™s time to become polygon man.

Is this a cryptic way of telling us weā€™re getting an A.I. Predator??? šŸ™šŸ»

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