Predator class perk suggestions thread...

Add your own!

(Worth noting, many current predator perks can be redesignated as class perks with increased effectiveness.)

Fireteam always visable/no mudding effect (dmg reduction unaffected, pulse unaffected)

Increased explosive damage reduction

Disable parry

Reduced thermal pulse cooldown

Increased leap distance + leap stamina cost reduction

Cloaking unaffected by melee

Cockslap ability

Cloaking unaffected by water

Invisible caster laser/only visable where beam hits

Increased melee speed

Claim boost (dmg reduction, stamina recovery increase after claiming a player)


Attack capabilities in second wind

Consecutive kill health boost (for every fireteam down, predator gains 25% health on claim, max of 75% on 3rd claim)

Reduced bullet damage when cloaked

Ability to shoot laserbeams from eyes

Significant noise reduction

Roar causes AI to flee

Wristblades cause bleed effect

Increased plasma caster damage/increased energy consumption

Total invisibility when cloaked/drastically increased energy consumption

Damage reduction from boars

Increased wrist rocket damage and burn damage/players on fire ignite other players on contact

Full charged arrows cause bleeding

Increased melee or caster damage if biomask is destroyed

Passive health regeneration/decreased damage threshold

Two handed weapons do increased melee damage (combi, katana, axe, hammer)


Increased movement speed

How are you going to shoot plasma without a mask?

Very carefully

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I just want a class where it’s a ranged stealth Predator with a twist, it has crappy stats but it makes it up with its special abilities. The first being snare traps, the second is very special, it can call upon Hell-Hounds (the ones from the 2010 movie), it’s hp is low because the Hell-Hounds will each have their own hp pool. The Predator player will have a few options, to either place Hell-Hounds at specific locations where they wander in a radius until called upon the player, or you can make them target specific players. To keep it somewhat balanced, the Hell-Hound cannot down players, so the Pred will have to finish the job essentially, leaving the Pred player exposed for a short duration. Although this class of Pred will have their clicks essentially muted but in turn they do not have access to the Yautja Bow.

Pred dogs sound cool in theory but in execution I don’t think illfonic has the time for. It’d be pretty sweet though, cuz off the bat I know I’d whistle in some pooches if I see ft getting swarmed by ai. It’d be nice to have that kinda control over a match as predator instead of… like just trying to kill them asap, but instead affecting their missions directly.

Kinda like what the Resident Evil teams been up to lately. But REsistance blows chunks.

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Swing speed bonus based on stalking xp

Each successful melee hit that is not dealt to the player with the highest score buffs melee damage to a cap. Attacking whoever marked as worthy prey removes stacks.

Steal myers perks.

Basically do something with the thermal xp score tracker thing & use it to make melee better while not encouraging them to wipe the FT with it alone

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So after FT specializations I came to the forums with Pred specializations ideas…

Since specializations are basically a 4th perk…

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Lots of great ideas here. Illfonic needs to look at these forums. I particularly like the zoom/scope idea for the biomask. It should already be a thing. Just a slider in the settings if anything…

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