Predator Classes Tier Listed & Ranked

my-image (3)~2


  • Scar
  • Bionic
  • Amazon
  • Celtic
  • Cleopatra
  • Pirate


  • Wolf
  • Mr Black
  • Elder


  • Hunter
  • Jungle Hunter '87
  • Captured
  • City Hunter '97


  • Falconer
  • Exiled
  • Scout
  • Feral
  • Alpha
  • Valkyrie


  • Gladiator
  • Chopper
  • Emissary
  • Samurai
  • Viking


  • Berserker

Based on in-game stats & legitimate personal experience against High Level Fireteams in Private Matches

Thanks to @Samhain13 for providing in-game stats & additional insight/evaluation on certain class placements.


Looks good man. Now do every single player you’ve ever run into


You bastard…🤣


i actually used to play emissary a lot. gave me more of a challenge in pubs

I tried playing Emissary against people like Gesp & Sam back when he first came out. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.


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well playing against gesp and sam isnt a pleasant experience in general so

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It is when you’re not playing a shitty class like Emissary😂

I play with berserker and tank well. immobilize with the net launcher then axes I take it out on the group

Hmmyes very hunt much king


Yh it will work in public matches against random players. It won’t work against high tier players.


Nice matches with Sam and Gesp yesterday, that was fun to watch. Pretty cool to see you win most of those too, and with Cleo of all classes.


me and voorhees ran some pubs together after that…potatos everywhere. i got so bored that i started using non-meta weapons.

remember when cleo was the meta? that was great. now i only use her to bug people with the net gun


I was a little rusty yesterday unfortunately so my aim wasn’t the best but still had some good matches yh.

Yh Cleo is S Tier though. She really isn’t bad at all. She also suits my aggressive playstyle better than some of the other S Tier Classes. She may not be as statistically strong as Scar & Bionic, but in practice she does give them a run for their money.

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She is still meta, she just isn’t quite statistically as strong as Scar, Bionic & Amazon. She’s on equal footing with Celtic & Pirate depending on the playstyle.


Rusty?? LOL I would have never had guessed. Would love to see you warmed up and ready to go. Is Cleo better for an aggressive style of play? I ask because that tends to be how I play Pred, like I’ve tried to play hit and run and all that but I always end up just jumping in and being aggro.

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I do remember that, when she dropped everyone was going nuts about her. But as Voorhees said she is still a meta class. I haven’t played her in a long while, might try and do that this weekend if I get some time to play.

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Yeah the way I play Cleo is aggressively with Large Pouch, Medic, Adrenal Boost while running Combistick & Plasma Pistol. She can also be good for a Dithered Lens build too though. She’s way more versatile than people give her credit for. If you play her right, you can steamroll teams in a few minutes flat.

I’ve had a lot of success with her against PC & PS Elites alike. Arguably more than with any other class over the years.

But yeah I was pretty rusty yesterday. My aim was off & my controls kept stuffing up & making me Wristblade when I wanted to quick scope with the Plasma Pistol. It costed me in a few exchanges but it wasn’t too bad.

She’s only slightly worse than scar. I run adrenal, pouch, and range with my standard disk and hook

Yh statistically she just isn’t quite as good as Scar, hence why barely anybody uses her over him. That & the fact that Scar is a fan favourite Predator for some reason.

In practice she is still around the same effectiveness overall against Elite teams.