Predator Hidden Stats, reveal them please.

Why oh why do you keep a bunch of stats on the various Predators hidden? All we get are some vague bars that barely reflects anything.

Hell, even FT have discrepancies since both FT Scout and Recon have same amount of health yet the bars are different.


oh yeah, hell i totally agree, i made a post about the Hunter and Scout having dramatically different leap cooling periods (virtually zero) and i think things like this being revealed will sport alot of discussion.

Beserker 1500 HP

Hunter 1250 HP

Scout 1000 HP

I can only assume Viking is 1600-1700

Samurai could possibly be 1350

Alpha I assume is 1100-1150


Iā€™m pretty sure he has the same stats in health as hunter.

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Problem is the really hidden stuff, like damage resistance, extra melee damage, energy regen, energy pool.

I mean even FT has some more inkling as to what difference there is to their classes than Preds get. And FT is kinda easy to play as unless ones team are complete dimwits, which is when the Pred actually has a chance for a win.

The bars we get as a comparison to stats, are generally not enough and often misleading. Like in the case of Recon and Scout.

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