Predator Hunting Grounds: Battle Royal Predator Addition



The predalien was said to be an adolescent queen by the directors so was like a praetorian version of the predalien

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Ahhhh okay that makes sense

I literally have no idea, my lore and knowledge only comes from the Predator fandom not the Aliens

Me either I’m just assuming.

The directors contradict themselves a few times on the Predalien matter,
would that be a young Pretorian or not, still that wouldn’t give him the ability to implant eggs in women, it just not make sense with what we know about the xenomorph’s reproduction in the canon;
what would make sense is, instead, that the implantation of the eggs (in female humans, endowed with a uterus) is an heredity of his yautja side:

for that we know the xenomorphs tend to take the best aspect of the host, to be able to dominate the infected species:
so, watching what the Predalien does, we could assume that the reproductive process of the yautja species is fast and efficient, and therefore it was implemented in the Predalien ability’s
(otherwise, the human reproductive process, for example, is slow and inefficient, so it’s eliminated and not present in the adult xenomorph).

As for the role of the Predalien in AvP2,
we could classify it as “the alpha”/“the leader”,
independently if it was a Pretorian or not.

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About the fights between Wolf and the Predalien,

they both are deadly opponents for one another, and all the times the Predalien avoid a fight and runs/let Wolf fight normal xenomorph warriors, its because it was probably a risky fight to take at the moment for the Predalien:
Wolf still had several weapons in both sewers and lower hospital, and the goal of the Predalien at the moment was the propagation of the hive and weaker the opponent.

This lead to the rooftop fight,
Wolf doesn’t has bad aim, it’s the Predalien that dodges the attacks,
he dodges the spear (once) and parries the whip, because it’s f*cking fast
(let’s remember that it is born from a yautja, and in the previous movie Scar was fast enough to cut a facehugger MID HAIR, and cut in half a xenomorph’s head in the brink of an eye

so a PREDalien it’s even faster)

Wolf decides to get rid of the remaining shuriken and the mines,
maybe not because he just wanted to fight a fist battle, but because he knew that ranged or tactical weapon would have done no good,
and therefore an honourable death was better:
yet he succeeded to kill his opponent just with the wirstblades, and dying with it.
Who knows if he could have won if he kept both the shuriken and the mines, imho he would have still gotten more chances, but what he did was perfectly understandable and in line with the yautja mindset.


I know, Mr. Fischbach. Our amazing moderator has made sure of that.

Wolf, Cleo, Elder, Alpha, Valkyrie and Exiled in that order.

How do you mean? If these are the remaining people behind, who do you think would win?

1st thru 6th place (I didnt bother ranking the rest). If wolf were non-existant, then Cleo would be first, and so on.

I rank Wolf 1st as he dealt with several Xenos and fought a Hybrid toe to toe to a standstill. I call that the toughest.

Cleo second because of her advanced age/experience. Taking Dutchs team and defeating Dutch was not an amazing feat. He’d had teams wiped before and he was older and not yet infused with Pred blood if I recall correctly. Dutch almost seemed like a vanity project for her.

Elder next as he is an elder and a clan leader. You don’t get there by NOT being tough as nails.

Alpha next because he managed to do the most with the least and pioneered the Preds to their current civilization.

Valkyrie because while she was dropped in after Viking was killed, her speed and ferocity make her more dangerous that the big butterball.

Finally Exiled because like Alpha, managed to survive with nothing and then next to nothing for years and years honing his craft. Sadly, it’s only against humans and other indigenous fauna, no dangerous extraterrestrials, therefore limiting him in skill.

The rest, though cool etc, don’t rank much because most didn’t survive hunts against humans and I don’t think some (samurai, emissary) would last a minute against the likes of Wolf and Cleo.

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I see and a very good description why, thank you for sharing!^^