Predator Hunting Grounds=Duck Hunt

Remember when you unlocked the weapons

-Just rember how much they have been nerfed into the ground
-Remember unlocking those perks as pred to only be nerfed.

-Starting out as pred was rough due to basic form was kinda ass…
-As you unlock things you would expect a return at some point for playing FT.
-Instead all illfonic has done since 1.05 was nerf after nerf.

-I do remember the first stages where the pred was feared and chasing a pred was a death sentence.
-Now with damage melee nerfed and swing speeds animations slowed down. What in the fuck game are we playing. Feels like Duck Hunt.

Dont forget FT HP buffs and damage Buffs


TBH with you - the only time when I feel the thrill of the hunt in this game, when I’m actually hunting - is when I play FT. Playing pred has nothing to do with hunting in this game


I have been having more fun as FT lately hunting the pred with my amphibious pred fucker build. Bane thick skin gear head. Mercenary rifle and the second sub machine gun. Name escapes me. Heals nades and decoys.


playing predator is more like can you kill them all before they get to helo… nothing about hunting


How funny things are…
I’ve been defending since my day one on this forum, that this game should be all about hunting and not about rushing…


a buch of stuff could be fixed… one of those things is hit scan… and preds projectile plasma is to slow

Yet there are enough players willing to play as predator… I guess only longer FT queue than predator queue would force Illfonic to buff predator.

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in ranked it will just see how high you are… and the higher you are the more likely youll be forced to play predator to maybe bring your mmr down

This wasn’t really a thing. I have chased predators since release, the most dangerous the pred has been to a solo chaser has been patches 2.19 and 2.20.

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A plasma burst would kill u and a one shot comithrow. Ft was not overpowered as much

Is that not exactly what hunting is?

I do think many missions are too short, however, or don’t use enough of the map.

No cause it feels like ass when you wipe them all in 30sec… if you dont they take your niceness for granted… then they die in 2 min… there really in no hunt. Just a race against a clock witj gumba like AI

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