PREDATOR: Hunting Grounds NECESSARY Game Changes

I think the BIGGEST changes that NEED to come are game balancing, improved game performance, and extra game modes and maps.

[Game Balancing]


  • (Ping system) — It’s fine with waypoints but when the Predator is found and marked, the ping holds an icon on the Predator that TRACKS and can be seen through ANYTHING. THIS NEEEDS to GO !!! I cannot count how many times I’ve been lit up like a U.S. Marine on D-Day soon as one player spots me climbing trees or moving through brush. Information like this makes it VERY DIFFICULT to go for range attacks as the Predator and cloak is almost useless if one Fireteam member has good eyes. I would prefer the ping system to be kept, and that has timer so it can’t be spammed ever second and for players to USE THEIR MICS to COMMUNICATE. I love it when I play and talk to my Fireteam to where the Predator can hear, and I like as well when I play Predator. It adds so much immersion and teamwork to the game which is VITAL to keep an active community and to make friends.

  • (Weapon Damage) ---- I can easily lose half of my health as a Hunter class with Height Advantage and Impenetrable equipped to one player who is NOT head-shotting but rather body-shotting me at 40m-60m out in seconds soon as I get spotted. I’m mainly talking about the Hammerhead (M16) rifle with the grenade launcher. This DLC weapon LITERALLY screams PAY-TO-WIN as it has high DPS and good accuracy and of course a grenade launcher. It SHREDS the Berserker Predator’s health even with Impenetrable on !!! It NEEDS to be nerfed honestly. Also, shotguns have IMPRESSIVE range and make SMGs and Pistols pointless. You have plenty of ammo, plenty of range, plenty of DPS. If you don’t run a shotty as your secondary, people will notice your the NEW player. It’s part of the meta.
    Also the range damage values need to be changed for weapons like shottys as mentioned but also assault rifles and MGs, not by much but just enough to where the Sniper Rifles, DMRs, SMGs, and Pistols have more of a purpose to them. Every pro player on a Fireteam runs an automatic rifle and a shotty since it’s the meta. There shouldn’t be a meta like this, this isn’t Call of Duty: Fireteam Hunting Grounds.

  • (Classes) — Another big issue, the only viable classes seem to be the Support class, Assault class, and the best being the Dutch 2025 (Assault but BETTER). Scout and Recon don’t really offer anything in performance and honestly a whole team of Dutches or Assaults are REALLY difficult to deal with when they have OWLF and Body Armor. They become tanks to the Predator and AI’s like no other. The Support class needs less speed and less gear since it’s LITERALLY a HEAVY MULTI-PLATE KEVLAR suit. In real life, you can’t even really run with that thing on, how come someone can cross 100 ft with one full bar!!! The Assault class needs less stamina and speed as well. My first 10 games I beat the Predator simply by rushing the objectives to where the Predator got desperate and had to go close in on the Chopper Extraction. The Dutch class will be the same as Assault (nerfed) but just bumped up a little bit in health, stamina, and speed like in the game already.

  • (Map Resources) — Please for the love of God let there be LESS med kits !!! I can win a game with a good Fireteam without using syringes or med kits (player dropped) by just finding them on the map. Once you know the map and where the med kits spawn, healing NEVER becomes an issue. Let players actually UTILIZE syringes and med kits !!! Let them USE their perks to their FULL potential. I mean it’s already OP enough you can call Reinforcements, and the players respawn fully geared like nothing happened. Yes, I know Predators can destroy med cases and ammo crates, but I’m not gonna waste 2-3 minutes jumping around the map destroying several cases when it takes only 3 minutes or less to clear one region as a Fireteam. Predators NEED to be aggressive from the get-go and apply DPS. The objectives and AI are WAY TOO EASY !!!

  • (Reinforcement Call) — Please increase the timer by at least another 15 seconds or so. Once you realize one member ran off and are calling for backup, it’s already too late when you arrive. There should be a small window for opportunity to where the players have to actually defend for their lives and NOT just stand there nonchalant.


  • (Weapon Damage) — Handheld Plasma Gun could use a little buff but other than that, every thing seems pretty good as it is. The skill gap is still there in terms of using the disc, yautja bow, combistick, etc. ( [UPDATE]: New Patch fix today has addressed this and increased the damage. Thank you Ilfonic! )

  • (Classes) — Scout class should have a 10% ranged weapon damage boost since the Berserker class gets a 10% melee weapon damage boost and plus the Scout is REALLY squishy in terms of health so I don’t see why not.

  • (Game Match Time) — Honestly… the matches rather run quick. A good Fireteam can get a match done in several minutes, hell maybe less if the Predator dies. The match time should be 10 minutes instead of 15 since the AI’s are borderline easy and no threat and the objectives are easy and done in a couple minutes. Let time be an ACTUAL concern for the Fireteam.

[Game Performance]

Self explanatory, the game needs to be better optimized. The game doesn’t seem that demanding since the graphics are sub-par and the maps are small and it’s DEFINITELY NOT CPU intensive either. I can go from playing 125 FPS then 80 FPS and then down to 45 FPS… like how lol. These aren’t stutters btw.

[New Game Modes and Maps]

The game is getting old quick with one game mode, and if the developers want to keep their audience, I HIGHLY suggest they start working fast on a new game mode. We DESPERATELY need a game mode where there are more Predators like 2-3 and a Fireteam squad of like 10-12 to make things more chaotic and interesting. Predator Deathmatch would be another great idea where Predators can face each other like a 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. Another idea would be a Kill Confirmed game mode where 2 Predators compete to get the most kills in a certain amount of time, and the Predator with the most points will win.
The maps are all the same and look the same. We need maps where it’s more urban or even temple-like but a lot of verticality obviously. I understand there is a theme to the game, but it isn’t canon to the original movie and this is just multiplayer. The options are unlimited and the gameplay is there. I suggest the dev team to listen to the fans and go with it.

Overall, the game has A LOT of potential but these issues need to be addressed. I still see AVP (2010) as a better game than this in terms of graphics, story (Wait there is no story in Predator: Hunting Grounds), multiplayer, gameplay, etc. Again keep in mind, the AVP game came out in 2010 !! If this is supposed to be a multiplayer only game, then there should be NO reason why it has ONE game mode and basically ONE map with different variations.


Yeah agree with all the above.
I also think snipers are too powerful in the hands of a strong team. Maybe if cloak wasn’t so bad it they wouldn’t be quite so powerful.


A full 4 man PC group is pretty much equal to dps to 2 Preds lol, especially if they are part of the spam spot/potato clan lol


Personally I think if somebody is a good shot with a Sniper against a Predator, it should be rewarded. Predators are very agile and hard to hit as is. Also, snipers make a sacrifice by standing still to get a good shot in. It’s high risk but high reward IMO. I DON’T think Snipers will become TOO MUCH of an issue once spotting gets nerfed. From there, it might be an easier time with snipers.


Really just a bunch of stuff that helps the pred. Also most of these issues are worse on the PC which is why crossplay needs to be abandoned and both versions balanced separately.


honestly yes, they need to also fix optimization for PC because there ain’t any


Still better than ps4. People complained about going under 60 fps. Ps4 dips to about 20 regularly.


true, but they honestly need to work on both but at this rate its going to take months on months to get optimization to where it should’ve been at launch


Both PS4 and PC need better optimization !! I mean hell if we get 60+ FPS on consoles for a game like CoD: MW Ground War or even Warzone with more players and better graphics, then the Dev team have A LOT of improving to do.


@TheAlmightyDonut the fact that on late 10 and 16/20 series graphic cards the game makes your fans run at 90%+ speed? it’s ridiculous. No reason a AA game that doesn’t even have ground breakin visuals is strainng your hardware THAT much


Btw, for me what really made me lose, i have around total of like 6-8 loses vs like 150 wins or so as predator, i can explain every single loss i had, but realistically predator is right now pretty balanced atleast for me…

So what caused me to lose… right… so i lost mainly cause the game optimizations are very poor (FPS wise), I lost cause pigs in past patches never spawned on map, and believe me i spent actual 5 min looking around the map until i just decided to use my med injection… And i actually lost cause i actually fought againts full squad of people who use macro exploits and unloaded their LMG/Rifle on me… AND main reason out of all would be that the GAME TIMES ARE SO SHORT and people can speedrun it in 7 minutes, while it takes me around 1-2 min max to find them and locate them…


I win most of my games too as the Predator BUT I have to actually try since again Dutch 2025 is OP, spotting is more common than ever, and people now know where to look for med kits and ammo. The Predator is pretty balanced, but the Fireteam is WAY TOO OP. A good Fireteam, who know the mechanics and ESPECIALLY if they’re in a squad, will always beat me, and it mainly ends up to where 2 of them escape because I down one before they rapple and then down the other while they shoot at me downing the other guy. The other 2 members have already ditched. Still, Fireteams have many more advantages than the Predator, and it shouldn’t be like that. The Predator should have strength as one while the Fireteam have strength in numbers.


Predator is OP against a bad FT, against a good FT however… Surviving is one of the main objectives lol


Ping system - agreeable, it’s pretty strong when the pred actually gets tagged, much easier to follow than when its just the eyeballs marking its path

weapon dmg - how much do you stand around for a single player to drain half your hp like that? No seriously, your either massively over embellishing or your reaction speed is very low.

classes - agree the scout and recon need something because the assault and support totally over shadow them currently. Last I checked though things like OWLF, yautjas bane, secondary dmg boosts from the old scout new assault where not working. Wouldn’t be surprised if impenetrable and all the other pred passive buffs didn’t work either.

Map resources - There already is a large drop in med kits/ammo boxes compared to when the game launched. There is typically 1 or 2 of them on the map when it used to feel like each camp had multiples of both. As you said they are in the same general areas so you can either destroy them when the FT is at that camp or keep an eye out where they go towards one of those areas and down them as they try to use them.

Calling reinforcements - Won’t lie I’ve never had a pred come at me when calling reinforcements in BUT I’m almost positive it works like those mission objectives that stall out if theres nobody around them. IF not than they just need to change it to a system like that so if you kill the FT member calling them in the progress will stop.

scout dmg bonus - Not as comparable there is a risk to running zerker melee being that you well… have to be in melee. Just because one class has a boost to that type of dmg does not equate to the scout should get a 10% ranged boost when ranged is far far easier to use and even more deadly than melee. Bow already downs on a head shot, fully charged caster is aoe with crippling lvls of dmg.

Honestly I love seeing dutches. They’re pretty easy to kill. It’s the recon and scouts you gotta worry about usually. And while the noobtube is strong, I dont feel the hammerhead is pay to win at ALL. Just my thoughts.

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hehe Dutch should’ve retired when he could… I was summoned to kill all his clones >:)

Lol. Eventually. They’ll start being machines.
insert terminator theme xD

I have come bring Yautja Vengeance to humanity - Even if it takes a millenia - The butterknife massacre will NEVER be forgotten

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‘I win as Predator… look a my K/D… you really need to nerf FT, they’re escaping sometimes and once they even fought back.’


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Nope the AR is good for an AR. Hammerhead isnt even the strongest gun in the game. You’re just experiencing what its like to be hit by a fireteam using decent guns with a low TTK. Theres a few guns that are way too good and the rest suck in comparison.

This is actually the only game where you can snipe things with shotguns. The distance at which you can hipfire headshot things with any weapon sans the shitty minigun is hilarious and I don’t know if ADSing even affects accuracy. It’s like it hits right in the middle of the reticule everytime with no spread.