@Xan84 No what he is saying is that people who have played Predators from release have reached the max skill gap and will outplay noob players even though they have all the advantages. Most people who play Fireteam are new players trying to rank up. Still, as Predators we STILL have to TRY every game as it’s super easy for a noob Fireteam members to make a comeback.
If you’re playing against a group of PC veteran Fireteam players, there is almost no chance to win. All that needs to happen is defeat the AI in 2 minutes or less in each region and have 3 members spot out 24/7 the Predator and then you escape to the Chopper or kill the Predator when he gets desperate when you’re trying to leave. I haven’t lost with my Fireteam squad AT ALL !!! We have played at least 80 matches together and not a single loss. That’s how easy it is to win if you have a good Fireteam with friends.