Thanks for all the data!.
I tried to measure Amazon’s speed but I keep getting it as fast as Exiled’s…
Can you confirm that Predators’ running speed is about 70% of the sprinting speed?.
And holding the axe/hammer while running/sprinting reduces this further?..
Predator: Hunting Grounds, Stat Values & Guide (Archive)
I’m not sure.
Unfortunately, I’ve ended playing this game a few months ago, and I have no plans to test anything further.
ok, fair enough!..
How did you measure speed?.
Sprinting across the airstrip directly at a Clash capture point. It’s usually possible to get 130m of sprint time. Used the video to determine how many seconds down to the frame, @60 FPS, it took to cover 130m.
130m / Xsec = M per sec
Will post actual speed when I get back
It’s been 2 days. Where them actual speeds?
“SpeedModifier”: 1.08,
“PredkourSpeedModifier”: 1.05,
“SpeedModifier”: 1.08,
“PredkourSpeedModifier”: 1.05,
This is in UU’s since no one is going to memorize Meters per second
Sprint speed is about 40%
“SprintSpeedModifier”: 1.4,
What. Predator movement speed aren’t affected by weapons
for example for fireteam GOSL-R
“Stat”: “ESFWeaponStatID::Mobility”,
“MinValue”: 0.5,
“BaseValue”: 1.0,
“MaxValue”: 1.5,
“MinUIValue”: 0.5,
“BaseUIValue”: 0.6,
“MaxUIValue”: 1.0
to which axe has no mobility, I didnt need stats to tell you that though
Elderly women who travels to Gambia remembers meter per second…
Are you able to put fanatic damage inside the predator while playing as predator?
Tell me when you watch it
I did, ‘‘triple gay’’ and I don’t get it why.
Who made this video?
plot twist it was a meme all along
How long? Months, years?
8" long ofcourse
It says 5th February 2024
it just got uploaded rn
Alright, I’ll upload something else FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE (not on youtube)