Predator in the marvel universe?

Aliens exist in the marvel universe why can’t a Predator?

They’d really just exist to get bullied by superheroes.

Nah there are plenty of ways to make them formidable

And plenty of heroes that would already be a good matchup without plot armor

I personally hate the idea, yea batman already had a cross over but here’s the difference…have you seen the killing joke? Now compare that to a marvel series or short film and tell me predator or alien still fit…they don’t marvel is kid superheroes. DC is a lil more open to the violence part where marvel isn’t at least imo.

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Punisher would really like a word with you.

DC conflates needless edge with storytelling and Infinity War stomps every single edgy parademon flashpoint asspull any day of the week. Difference is they keep anti-hero edge in edgy anti-hero comics rather than throwing it into the mainline series like DC does when Watchmen was successful and decided every single batman comic should be on the level of Watchmen.

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Still don’t like the idea of it predator vs super heros is dumb. Leave them to their own universe. It takes away what made predator good…you have super heros with super human abilities…garbage. Batman isn’t a super hero he’s a vigilante that uses technology and they presented it as such by him getting his ads kicked before he made a suit like Batman vs superman. Its ok if you like the idea but I hate it

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The doomsday battle at the end of bvs is better than anything marvel has ever reached for 🤷‍♂️

3 invincible characters punching eachother in a video game cutscene for 10 minutes while batman watches and the director randomly cuts to lois lane is better than the MCU?

The powerscaling in DC is just dumb and it makes all their fight scenes dumb. There’s no kind of goal you just watch an unstoppable force beat on an unmoveable object for minutes at a time until one side stands there and lets the other stab them with a plot device or Flash trips because the plot demands it.
It was fun in Man of Steel watching people aimlessly sling eachother into buildings for an hour but by now you should just be numb to it.

Marvel sells because watching Bucky fistfight Captain America on a highway is more marketable to the average person than watching two god level entities throw eachother at walls for an hour.

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Marvel is not only for kids

There is plenty of extreme violence to be found

I see that but that vs the predator ripping spines and skinning, those have blood sure but I mean the over all extent I guess is my point. I just don’t like the idea of super heroes vs alien and predator. They can keep alien and predator in the same universe and add in other new alien species they can fight. Wait nvm I forgot disney tried doing that in star wars and all those idea of star wars aliens look like they should of been in that 80s movie the labrynth. Yea jus give it back to dark horse I say.

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Atleast let the first issue come out before deciding its going to be PG.
Pred vs wolverine or deadpool could be fun. Xmen in general is an ok fit.

Predator fighting Cable with colonial marines in the future lol


Fair point i just don’t have high hopes but I can be wrong and it could be good but after seeing the alien trailer I’m not optimistic about it 😕

Predator vs The Punisher in Vietnam

Or Blade in Tokyo

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