Predator Killer Class

Lol yes but no spoilers dude

Dude, that movie came out 2 decades ago during the heisei era. It’s not a spoiler anymore.

Not many people were born in our time and could see such classics

That’s on them. I’ve seen them shitting on what we love, I shit on who they are.

What’s wrong with Godzilla movies now?

They aren’t the show

No, we were talking about the zoomers



cough The Heisei era of Godzilla films was 89-95, the Millennium films (and subsequently the Kiryu saga) were 99-04, though since each “era” is named by emperor rule (ie Showa, Heisei, etc.), technically the Millennium films are Heisei but its generally accepted and labeled as its own thing.

Sorry, the fanboy in me was triggered.

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lol nobody cares about spoilers for a barely mid-tier entry in the Godzilla franchise of all things, mate. This isn’t Godzilla vs. Kong level of spoilers, this is “eh, whatever”.

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The one based on the bad movie

lol which?

Now that we talking about kaijus and shit, I think I have an idea.

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I figured this but you could have just said “the animated series based off of the 98 film”.

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Need him in the monsterverse next to Gamera

Both are super easy to handwave into hollow earth lore


I don’t know enough shit about the 98 film to even call it the 98 film

All I know is Godzilla the series is great


Ahem… Fornicate Gamera. He smells.

plz dont bully gamera, he’s suffered enough