I think a ledge grab mechanic should be implemented for Predator. So if you jump and your jump can reach the ledge you pull yourself up like most 3rd person open world games/shooters or would that not make sense to do for Predator, too me it should of been in the game day one, let me know your thoughts!
Predator movement
I don’t see how that would add to or improve movement.
I’ve had countless times that my normal jump could reach the height of building or ledge but I could not get on without using leap, It would add to fluidity of movement. And ti helps to the overall stiffness of Predator sometime not saying the Predator is completely stiff just needs refinement.
General parkour outside of the trees is a must. The clumsiness with which the predator gets stuck on everything is absurd. FT too.
If they had the ability or talent to implement a full on parkour system don’t you think they would’ve from the start?