Predator OP or no?

I’m a level 100 player, basically grinded the first week of release with a buddy on fireteam with x2 xp and we won 99% of matches only losing a couple times to combi stick berserkers before the nerf and before we knew how to counter them.

Now i almost exclusively play predator and i made a hunter build around “unlimited” stealth, and the bow, and i can end the match within the first 2-3 minutes after finding the fireteam which isn’t hard since i know all the maps and the FT makes enough noise to not even need target isolation.

I see a lot of topics going back and forth about how FT is OP or Predator is OP but usually its the former. Personally with my strategy and being on PC with high FPS i can use the bow extremely effectively. Due to the long queue times i’ve resorted to actually playing with my food killing a few, letting them reinforce, kill a few again, let them go do a couple objectives while i lurk nearby instilling the fear while the last two guys are being overwhelmed by AI.

Here is my last match

Hard no


Yeah. Fireteam still has a good upper hand but it’s not so massively overbearing now as it was at least. Still needs work though.

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Fight a decent FT, then get back to us :)

Mine is on a 94 win streak. We’ll make it 100 today probably.


No. Decent FTs can make the game extremely difficult for Predator. Good FTs can tear them to shreds.


Answer is queue time. Facts not lie.

Whats que time got anything to do with it? lol

I’ve fought all PC FTs that knew what they were doing, they stayed close, used knives to travel, parried melee etc. I don’t use trees at all, in fact i barely run around unless im getting in close to melee and they’re all completely aware of my presence. Otherwise I use the leap exclusively to get around and stand still a lot to be completely invisible. Then i get a quick down with the bow, reposition if i need to if the other FT members saw the trail and started fishing for where i was standing. Then that one guy that’s down i just bait until someone goes for the pickup, this usually nets me an extra down, at which point if im still healthy i can come in and finish off the last two guys with impudence.

A lot of FTs look to the trees and shoot there as i imagine a lot of preds still use them, meanwhile im standing right on top of them aiming a charged shot to their heads. I’ve found my meta and the worst game i’ve had was me downing a few, they reinforced, i downed a few, and a couple escaped. Otherwise most of my games are complete stomps.

To be fair, yeah when I play pred it can feel a bit OP at times, (especially scout pred). and yeah I ignore trees totally too, you kinda have to since the stealth and noises make you too obvious up a tree.

But i dont think pred is OP still, as soon as they fix the slam-spam, its gonna be way harder for pred. (by that i mean the animation you can skip after a slam that you’re not supposed to, and you kinda just slide outa there).

When OP hunter predator running into you with handblade and you have heavy machinegun+full hp.

You died. ^^

Nah. He died and get killed with no chance of self destruct. :D

Your posts only about Predator. This is bait.

Dude, he’s OP only against random parties or vs ps4 player(sorry guys). I mean that in public matches preadot with medium or higher than medium skill will win like 60-70% of matces(maybe higher). Even vs full game of random PC players such predaots will win. But if you play against good coordinated full FT party, then just believe me, you won’t even be able to approach to them at the distance of a bow shot. These guys come to this game not to make some joke quests, but to hunt the predator.

You can read about my three private matches vs such team in my post: Predator still weak against good FTs

Yes, that’s a balance problem. Agains low skill FTs pred is a beast. But against good parties it’s literally piece of shit.

I have same face when my teamate trying to save me from predator by using non-automatic shotgun. And when he trying to use nonatomatic shotgun aganist predator in first place.
I’m acutally ignore predator untill he start to hinder my objective.
I have job to do i’m not here to kill some strange tree jumping serial maniac.

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Hah, good point of view. When I’m playing as pred i always trying to spectate for some time, like to analyze what is my prey. Only in few minutes I start making some actions on the map. True hunter won’t attack. A true hunter will not blindly attack)

I’ve seen good predator only once. He taken 3 heads of FT incude mine and then when he noticed that’s last one survived is good and trying hard he helped him to do mission instead of killing him. That’s was strange but heartwarming.

Fire team is stronger than predator on Pc. I think that a good pred could win a few games if reinforcements didn’t exist. But about now, if you dont win in 3/4 min it’s even impossible to get down 6/7 non premade pc decent players.


Depends, random teams or premade ones? This is the problem with this game. To be effective you need a good team as a FT, the predator does not. Its hell hard to balance. Berserker shreds most randoms in a quick game.

I’m trying to get another 6 vids recorded by these q times man… I can’t practice consistently lol