Predator Perks in numbers (Not finished)

Good job I tested all the perks on a scout a week ago and adrenal boost only recovers stamina faster between leaps making so scout could theatrically leap forever if you were to only leap and keep chaining. Without the perk he’ll run out of stamina at about 5-6 leaps with it on doing my best to constantly leap I got to 17- infinite basically lol

Man I remember someone called me a fucking liar on these forums made me sound like a BSer when I said its around 8 seconds with a scout on energy recovery and depending on combos or none it could be around 6 seconds after a retest.

Said it was 3-4 seconds. I thought that was a bit wild.

Yeah it’s 8 seconds from my testing, too. I imagine people usually don’t wait until empty to recharge, so it feels faster to them.

I count it as the moment it discharges all energy/overload pop up notification.

It would make sense to me from there because in terms of reloads it would be from the last bullet/mag drop animation begins.

Never could get below 6 seconds for scout


This info can be unactual right now, sry for no updating