Predator pre order class just a flex?

even though I have pre ordered PHG on epic games when it came out I find myself never really using the jungle hunter class for multiple reasons.

  1. its just a hunter reskin it doens’t really have anything specail in stats.
  2. Im a pc player, and being accused of hacking is like almost always a thing so I don’t even dare run around with the skin I fairly pre ordered fear of being acused of a hacker.
  3. generaly it isn’t a strong class because its again just a hunter reskin, feels more like its being used to flex or let other people know that you played the game since the begining.
    I will be honest though I don’t think the jungle hunter should ever become a paid dlc it wouldn’t be fair for the people who pre ordered it and supported the game since launch the captured predator is already the closest thing you can have to the jungle hunter.

Definitely more of a Flex, it’s a okay Class in my opinion but still just shows something that others may never get 👀

Of course its a flex, most pre-order exclusives are. What’s wrong here is you give too much of a shit about what other people think, and you aren’t seeing how good the basic class can be. Who cares if people think you’re hacking? Nobody. Why do you “not dare” use it? Literally nobody cares, we see it and know you pre-ordered, whoopee. If anything it makes us a little wary because you’ve been playing this long. And the Hunter class itself is very much A-tier, to this day its still well-rounded and viable in play. Its probably the best non-DLC class, next to Elder. Using Fervent, coupled with Down Range and the buffed direct Caster damage will net you that all-important first down very easily.

You paid for this skin, bro. Use it. Stop giving a shit about the opinions of randos. And learn that most of the time its the player that makes the class work. I can still play Scout effectively against most teams, and its weak as shit. Yeah, its a flex. So go flex it.


Captured is copy paste of Jungle Hunter, only with no bone necklace on the throat, but pretty much identical copy-paste.

Of all the things you can be accused of hacking for on this game, having the Jungle Hunter is probably right at the bottom of that likelihood list. But even so, who gives a shit what other people on a video game think about you just because you want to play as the original movie Predator?

The Jungle Hunter also isn’t a bad class. IMO he is definitely A Tier, and it ultimately depends what you do with him as a player. But he definitely isn’t weak. @ScOp_StUrMi of all people can tell you that for certain.

But I don’t get how playing with the Jungle Hunter is a flex😂

Unless there are a load of people complaining that they don’t have Jungle Hunter, and you decide to rub it in that you’ve got him, I don’t see how it’s a flex. I certainly don’t consider it a flex to merely use the Jungle Hunter.


you be supriced how long the forum was spammed with people begging to make jungle hunter a paid dlc.

I guess your right, but it just kinda gives me a terrible feeling being accused as one when I play legit and spend money on stuff just for people to say “oh your hacking” and then getting reported for no reason, even though I know I most likely won’t get banned since they can probably I hope see I pre ordered the game but there is always that bit of fear of getting banned for a false reason Idk why but I always just have that.

the good ol’ days.

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Illfonic doesn’t care about bans. They simply do not. There are legitimate hackers and exploiters in this game that have been doing shit for years, nothing has ever happened to them. Ask @Samhain13, he’s been accused of hacking and been reported hundreds of times, he’s still around. And he has Jungle Hunter. So don’t worry about any of that. And again, you gotta stop caring about what randos say in-game. YOU know you’re legit, and that’s what matters.

Honestly, you’re asking this in the right place. All of us here are veterans who understand the game, the community and how Illfonic works (or doesn’t work, more accurately), and we’re all telling you to not worry about it. That should help you figure things out with your worries.

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Yea people accuse others of hacking over most simple things on phg

I’ve seen how long the forum has been spammed by people complaining and begging to have the Jungle Hunter released as a DLC with my own eyes.

And they should have done it, this bs ‘‘supporting the game since the day one’’ is just ‘‘f you’’ to the ones who don’t pre-order ‘‘you don’t support if you don’t pre-order’’, like it’s some sort of charity.
They should also make his stats equal to city hunter, because making jungle hunter like captured or regular hunter being lower than city hunter is also ‘‘f you’’ to even the pre-order fans.