Predator ship looks oddly familar

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That movie never happened


What movie? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Wait, are there toys being released tied in with the game?

Edit - Where is that ship from, don’t leave me hanging. Lol

I think it’s the model of the ship in-game pulled from the files. You only see it during the intro scene in the background when the match has started.

Thank you, it looks like a toy in the picture above.

I hope they do more with the ships in the future. I think it would be fun to use them as a hunting ground (obviously a bigger ship), trophy room, or even move around the map in the little scout ship. (Assuming we get a bigger map or the goal is to escape via one.)

I don’t think we’ll get to directly pilot them but could see using one by riding a top it as it drifts through towers on the home world or over a body of water. The image is glorious, at least in my imagination.

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Ew there is so much better model than this

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I see a chopper. No spaceship.

My mistake it actually only appears on the tutorial behind where you spawn.

I remember seeing it there, have to make point to take a better look.

Thanks for the screen shots @Dentdesabre.