***- Cloak is unaffected by water…cant remember if water slows Pred down if it does your faster now.
If It Bleeds- Increases damage and speed while badly wounded.
The Heart of Man- Loss of morale when half the combined FT HP are expended causing heart rate to increase showing a bitty red dot pulsing rapidly in bio-vision.
You See Me?- Any type of spotting cannot highlight and mark Predator. Rendering “Spotter special” useless. Slow me down will ya?
Overcharged- Plasma caster causes more damage. Trading off more energy. One fully charged blast overloads even with modified reserves.
Mine’s Bigger Than Yours -Increased hand held plasma caster damage.
***Anti-Comms- A device that bugs the reinforcements radio. Can only be used once and only while FT interacts with radio stopping the interaction from filling up all the way. Pings the location of radio trying to be used. Lasts 45 seconds.
***Medic 2.09- Heal large amounts of HP from med kit. Also gives second wind-like abilities for 1 minute. Burst of speed and mini temporary shield from the highly potent med kit.
Time Keeper- Every 5 A.I killed adds 20 seconds to the match time. Or just focus on adding 5 more minutes or somehow freeze game time temporarily.
***Probably better names out there for some of these anti-FT Specializations.
I would like to delay the FT mission progression by hacking into specific mission interactions whilst blowing shit up. Maybe anti-comms can be used with many types of human tech. But you’d have to choose wisely since anti-comms can only be used once. Take up to 4 Pred specializations. Going through FT specials now y’all got a whole arsenal there…
And how about being able to perform a backfist knocking a FT soldier back. Useful for those in your way like cliff snipers, door blockers, Holy healers.