They ruined The Predator’s stamina with this new patch. His stamina level now depletes without even going into a sprint. So it goes down with a regular run. It even goes down while moving in the trees now. It makes it very difficult to retreat while in danger. You can barely get away now.
Predator stamina issues with new patch
Yes I saw it
i found io was unable to even basic attack when trying to chase someone. is this intended?
im sure before i could always basic attack even with low/no stamina.
correct me if wrong ofc…
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Before the patch, if Pred’s stamina was fully depleted, he could only throw one single basic strike. The stamina depletes even faster now, so it makes it damn near impossible to run after a fireteam member, & hit them with basic combos. By the time you catch them, your stamina will be fully depleted.
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It doesn’t deplete faster. Pre Patch Leap took so long that you were restoring Stamina in the air before you even touched down, now not so much.