Predator tips, tricks, and tactics

Try and take it.

When you are in second wind … don’t escape … instead … heal up on the spot … so the fire team will feel sorry for you and let you heal

I kill pigs for the predator. To make their life easier. And you get 25xp

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I’m newbie here! Thank you all for rec!

El juego es bueno otra cosa es que ati te allá descionado . Es un echo que los creadores no hacen mucho pero no es para que vengas a un foro a decir cosas malas cuando el chaval a dicho que ya lo sabe y no le importa

“The game is good”

Fat chance

The game is a generic shooter who’s only notable qualities is having the predator who can jump high

Even the customization is crap.

“it is not for you to come to a forum to say bad things when the kid has said that he already knows and does not care”

A. Your missing the part where I wasn’t responding to OP and instead some one who recommended buying all the dlc, so completely unrelevant.

B. What do you mean it’s not for me? This isn’t an echo chamber for you to suck Illfonic. If I want to talk shit and advocate for not supporting bad business practices (you onow, voting with your dollar) Then I can and will

I bet it’s a sweaty OG player lmao.
I just watched YouTube for thousands of hours for a game I never played.
My gamertag is a PHG gamertag too.
I made it strictly for this game but barely getting around to playing 2.5 years later.


Please do

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It did In the past. Might be glitched now I suppose.

Overall, great post. That pretty much covered everything.

I say if you’d want a good build idea run a exiled with assassin spec, with large pouch, down range, & observant for pubs privates are probably more rough.

Use your mobility to your advantage such as jumps and leaps. It’ll confuse your enemies even for a bit. Jump and melee hit them for atleast 1 to 2 hits maximum and then immediately jump, sprint, or leap away from the conflict. Traps are not only good to immobilize enemies but also as a way to flush out their ammo. Constantly apply pressure using plasma canons. If you hit them, good bit most times you use them as a means to force them to move. Never claim when you down a ft member. Either move around and hit them with any attacks or if not possible, jump away and take a breather to plan out your next attack. Use piggies as much as possible to save on medi kits. If you’re low on hp and they called a chopper, fire plasma canons at point blank range in order to gain damage then use self destruct immediately from a safe distance. Remember, fireteams and predators have 2 win conditions. For FT’s they need to get to the chopper or kill you and successfully disarm your bomb to extract your corpse. For predators, kill them all or use self destruct. Self destruct in the lore ensures that their technology is safe from other races and preserves their honor as hunters aka, an alternative victory by honorable suicide. The important thing here to prevent fireteam members from having their fat guy in the chair talk whenever they complete their mission. Remember, it is better to either kill them or self destruct. Taking them out is a bonus.


Take uncreative damage boosting perks and spam caster then bow headshots when its on cooldown. Kill the person with the counter strike aim first or you’ll die

Thats it. That’s the optimal way to play pred.
Everything else is a meme weapon

if you cannot aim then use axe while its broken


Tactics? LMAO

Bring the most damage resisting or damage inflicting build you can possibly come up with (pro tip, there isn’t a damage resisting build for pred that is good enough) and hope for the fucking best.

Learn the missions, if you want, but won’t make much of a difference

FT, forget the mission and chase the pred. One player alone has enough firepower to obliterate 95% of the players. Go team up and do the mission for the remaining 5%

Pred, do not, I repeat, do not use melee unless you are attacking a single FT member that is bloody. Even bots will melt you in 2 seconds. Matter of fact, ignore all melee weapons, aside from the axe, which is only “good” because its currently bugged, no melee weapons will be good against even mid tier players that actually move and somewhat aim.


Are you sure you’re new to the game? You PC spam like a pro.

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Thank you for accolades I appreciate.

No I am new I only just bought ps4 swap from xbox and as I say I have watched a lot of videos of great players

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I think you have potential to be a decent PRED player pretty quickly. Against premades the meta tactics are out (though wins don’t come often) so it’s just the matter of putting yourself in advantageous situations, working on you aim with bow/combi (easier said than done) and managing time (have to know the missions). If you start winning against premades, even once in a while, that’s to tier as Pred.


Thank you very much. I just unlocked the Bow earlier today I will try it out and practice my techniques like the players I have seen vs High level players

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