Predator tips, tricks, and tactics

Hello there I am new to playing this game, but I have watched thousands of videos from a lot of players of this game and feel I have a decent grasp on gameplay mechanics etc.

I know this game isn’t exactly hot stuff or alive anymore, you don’t need to tell me that, believe me I know, and I have watched the life of this game unfold on the sidelines. Please do not try to deter me from the challenge of this game.

What I hope to see here is the community trying to help and share good ideas, builds, tactics etc. I’m sure you all had a passion for this game once, let me have the same.

I specifically wish to become adept at the Predator side of gameplay, and would like to hear Veteran player opinions and tips for becoming more than a mere Young Blood. Anything from the recommended DLC classes to buy, to loadout setups, tactics, and approaches when facing the Fireteam.

I am open to all kinds of playstyles and will not judge any of them. I am aware of skill levels surrounding their loadout uses and the overall community views on what are “scummy” moves etc. I am all ears for all information.

Please keep the discussion on topic and respectful, thank you.

I hope to see some of you in the Hunting Grounds soon


First tip. Don’t listen to what people consider “scummy”, the same people who complain about it are the same that run “scummy” builds and use exploits.


Ok thank you good to know👍

Get good at Fireteam. That’s what’ll help you understand what you’ll be up against


Buy the following DLC Classes.

City Hunter.
Mr Black (Comes with Falconer & Captured too)
and if you’re feeling a bit dangerous, Valkyrie & Exiled aren’t terrible either, hell Valk used to be top tier even.

For Loadouts you should only use the following Specializations

Stalker (+15% Damage at Full Stamina)
Analytic (+15% Damage when FT is Scanned, Names on the Right side of your HUD)
Assassin (+20% damage when attacking from Behind)
Tracker (Allows your Target Isolation to find FT even when they are Muddied up)
Vicious (FT bleed out faster, take longer to revive & its easier to kill them with attacks when they are downed)
Ghost (+30% Melee damage when cloaked, only really useful with super hard hitting weapons like the Axe, which is also one of like the three melee weapons you should ever use)

For Perks the only really useful ones in the game are the following.

Adrenal Boost (40% extra Stamina, 20% faster regen)
Energy Cell (40% extra Energy)
Modified Reserve (10% faster Energy regen)
Down Range (10% extra Ranged damage)
Fearless (10% extra Melee damage, should only be used on Ghost Builds)
Dithered Lens (Hides your Plasma Caster beam, useless on Night Maps however)
Impenetrable (20% less damage from Bullets)
Height Advantage (25% less damage whilst in Trees, DOES NOT STACK with Impen)
Impatient (Cuts your 2nd Wind Recharge time down from 5 minutes to 3 minutes)
Protection (6X Mask Health)
Medic (You heal with Medkits 45% faster)
Large Pouch (+2 to all Gear items)

Medkits are mandatory on every Class, don’t enter without them. You really wanna be able to take Bear Traps too but not everybody can so choose either the Motion Trackers or Audio Decoys in their place. Ignore the Wrist Launcher.

The following weapons are what you should use on every class.

Combistick (For throwing, its melee combos are pretty trash but you can bait with them to hit the throw easier)
Yautja Bow
Smart Disc (Raise your Sensitivity as high as you’re comfortable with and practice a LOT with this one)
Plasma Pistol (If you don’t wanna learn the Bow)
Netgun (Useless against PC players but good to even the fight in a 2v1 or just make a 1v1 a curbstomp)
Yautja Axe (Only for Ghost builds really)
Hook (Modified version of the War Club, the only decent melee weapon outside of the Axe as it is super fast, poor tracking though)

As for tactics.

  1. Never jump into a full team.
  2. Never shoot from the front if it can be helped, if you are shooting head on then position yourself in & around cover & poke out to take shots.
  3. Always take the High Ground.
  4. Don’t spam leap, fastest way to move around is sprinting & bunnyhop and its way harder to hit you doing that then it is if you leap.
  5. Do not activate Cloak or Thermal within 30 metres of FT, they will hear it.
  6. Don’t fire the Plasma Caster whilst cloaked if you are low on Energy
  7. Don’t eat Pigs unless you are a good distance away from FT.
  8. Don’t lay bear traps out like actual traps, use them like Grenades.
  9. Never engage in melee if it can’t be helped, you WILL die.
  10. Fight dirty. Destroy FT ammo crates, medkits, etc. Don’t allow reinforce against a good team. If you need to, rapid fire your bow/pistol/caster on a downed player to secure a kill, do NOT go for Claims.
  11. Kill Dantes, Dutch 87s & Supports first above all else.

Ok thank you. I did always think it a good idea to figure out Fireteam tactics and missions etc to better anticipate their next move

Thank you very much for this in depth approach and information about gameplay. This is what I have been looking for.

I am about to play my first match😊


WTF no

Don’t support this shitty game


He already bought it, £10 or so won’t change anything. Considering he’s at best Level 10 by now, characters like Cleo & Wolf are the only way he’s gonna have a shot at winning anything.

I have created a YouTube channel so people can critique and comment on my gameplay. I have recorded my first match if you would like me to upload and you can see?

And it doesn’t need to be worse

Besides that’s 15 bucks that could be spent on hollow knight or something good

Hollow Knight my ass, you could’ve at least said Bloodstained.


Have fun playing with kids. (Couldn’t help myself)

Urgh I feel unclean, in my boredom as I wait to see how this thread goes: I’m playing FT and here I am, having to carry someone like Tony. Honestly should’ve just wandered off & struck a deal with the Pred to rat him out, but I suppose having 1.6K damage over his measly 60 is good enough of a show.

Best tip anyone can give you

Don’t play this game

You want a good Predator experience? Play literally any of the older games

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10 bucks mad because bad

Correct madam, Hollow Knight is bad.

Some one owes me 10 bucks