Predator vs Eren yager

  • Predator
  • Eren yager

0 voters

My vote is on the predator

They have all this strategy and tech eren just has raw strength.

Eren turns Titan and yeets the Predator lol.

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Well the pred got a plasma caster just a little but of spam to the neck and predator win

It’s about knowing your enemy. Pred doesn’t know anything about titans and their weaknesses so I’m not sure he can figure it out. The only thing he has going for him is the cloak. In the wooded area that will be an advantage. In the clear, the titan will find and crush him.

I see your point but if where talking about a predator coming after the first titan then it might be a different storie cause once predators leave earth they come back better next time

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All depends on how damaging the energy weapons will be and if hardening will counteract them. In any case, Eren will protect the neck until he can spot the pred.

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All good points but now it’s up to the forum

I think pred can definitely do it, but the path of victory is easier for the titan in my opinion. A lot will depend on what high tech wraps pred has available. For example, the energy grid could quite possible slide and dice the neck area and it’s game over

In movies, pred is OP, but they always find some ‘unlucky’ way for him to die 😂

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To true

Eren wins because of his high and rapid rate of regeneration, strength, durability and lastly, now that he consumed Warhammer, there isn’t Jack shit any hunter could honestly do.

Bare durability alone, no hardening, Eren can at survive being crushed under AT LEAST several dozen tons of rubble.

The energy output of him transforming alone is enough to blow up something as big as a large building, possibly even a city city block. If we assume the lightning that manifests around their bodies as well can move as lightning can physically, that’s sparks and random cracks and strikes moving st well over 200,000 mph

With hardening his Durability likes gets even more ridiculous. It took the power of the jaw Titan who had a biting strength higher than that of the armored Titan’s punching strength to get through it as well. The energy required to do that is at least enough to eradicate a skyscraper, maybe not entirely get rid of the building but enough to reduce it to poor ruins.

From what had been seen, we know plasma bolts can blow up cars in. single shot, the energy required to do that being at least equally to a frag grenade. Likely enough energy to blow up a small building. Regarding physical stats outside of Durability and stamina, the pred has the agility advantage. I’d say speed too but Eren and the other shifters are capable of blocking canon fire from only several dozens of meters away so I don’t think a hunter could exactly react to that speed of punching.

A Yautja might be able to though! I wouldn’t doubt it but as far as I know, the only advantage a hunter has is the wrist bomb.

I give it to eren. Unless the pred knows exactly what he’s going up against in their first match up and how exactly to kill him then he stands no chance other than to run away or get crushed.

You can make an argument that the pred would kill eren in human form but he’d have to cut his head off without him getting a chance to realize what happened but as we all know preds like to play with their prey so as soon as he gets close then he’ll just get yeeted by the explosion.


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Predator has no idea how to fight a titan lol. Entire militaries couldn’t even do it for the longest time. They have a single weakpoint and can harden it.

If a artillery shell (Titan killer) can kill one of the nine (season 4) then one precision shot of a PLASMA CANNON can…unless he uses his Warhammer Titan ability then Predator screwed lol

Eren Has the Attack Titan, War Hammer and founding. But regardless he’s a giant monster that 14m tall. no competition.