Predator Weapon and Gear ideas! (And finisher ideas too)

Okay so, I had a bit of a run around with some ideas on new gear, and looked up some Pred weapons and I’m now going to attempt to effectively explain and balance(ish) them at 2:30 in the morning (work in 6 hours WOOOO)

Falcon drone: So, way I saw this thing, you get 1 or 2 of them. When you use it, it starts to circle an area (let’s say, 200m circumference circle), and will mark any fireteam members that step into the area, but the mark will immediately be lost once they exit the drones effective area. The FT can also shoot down the drone if the happen to see it flying above them. You can also recall the drone, which will lose all marks in doing so.

Mines: AvP 2010 style baby. Get like 10 of these let’s say, and when thrown down they have a small activation area, but it will deal heavy damage to anyone who steps into the area. They won’t make any noise, but they will emit a small, blinking red light, and they can be shot and prematurely blown up by FT members.

Tree snare: When you’re in a tree, you’ll be able to activate this gear item. You throw it down below the tree and it creates a beartrap like area (without the glowing red diamonds and vwumvwum noise). Cannot be destroyed by the FT until it is activated. Once a FT member steps into the snare, it will pull them up into the tree, leaving them vulnerable to all attacks. To escape, a FT member must shoot the rope holding the snared FT member, or the snared member can look down (or up in this case) at the rope and hold the action key to cut the rope and fall from the tree. If a FT member is downed whilst in the snare, the Predator will be able to claim them by pulling them up into the tree for a quick claim, or a unique long kill invloving the predator pulling the FT members spine and skull out from their back (Like what happened to Billy in the first movie)

2nd plasma caster: This thing would cost 8 gear points (Sorry scout mains) and would do what it says on the tin, give you a second plasma caster. Every shot would fire 2 shots at once, resulting ina faster energy drain for more dps. And of course, two fully charged PC’s headed your way is gonna be a big ole instant down, but the Pred will probably either be overloaded or damn close to it after firing two fully charged shots.

Laser grid: Simple one here, place down part 1 of a grid in one area, and part 2 within a linking area, to create a laser grid that will deal damage to anyone going through it. You’d probably get about 8 of these or so, giving you 4 possible gates.


Shurriken: A bladed smart disc basically, but simpler. Because it’s bladed it does extra melee damage, but ut can only be thrown in a straight line (combi-stick style, just with a lot less drop). Probably also cause bleed cos sharp blades go ouchies.

Spear-gun: Okay so I wanted to make the speargun super unique, so here’s the play- You get about 20 or so spears. The thing acts like a sniper, letting you fire the small spears from long range by letting you scope in and all that. It fires faster than a bow/as fast as a bow but not hitscan. When hitting a FT member they’ll not only be hurting (Not sure on damage but lets say 75), but they’ll also get a little spear marker on their health bar. This spear marker makes the FT member unabke to heal past that point on their health bar. Basically, being hit by a spear would reduce your max health by 25, until you removed the spear or had someone else remove the spear. The effect also stacks. So if a scout with 125hp got hit by 6 spear rifle shots before they could take any out, they would just straight up die (Course it’s unlikely to happen, but still). The spears can also be picked up by the predator from either the floor when they’re removed for a FT member, or from the FT member if they still have spears in them when they die.

Spear pistol: Same idea as the spear-gun, but on a lighter scale. 40 damage a shot and only 10 max health removed per spear, but much more rapid fire than the spear-gun.

Final little side idea: I want more finishers depending on weapons you have equipped.

Elder sword: Pred picks up the FT member and slices at their neck before impaling the sword sideways into their throat. The Pred then keeps the FT member suspended with the sword, grips their head, and rips the skull and spine out. The body drops to the floor and Pred secures the claim to their belt.

Smart disc: The Predator plunges the smart disc into the laying FT’s chest, providing an open wound to grip the spine with and rip out. The Pred secures the claim before calling the smart disc out of the chest and back to their hand.

Combi-stick: The Pred plunged the spear into the FT’s gut. The Pred then grips the FT’s chest and pulls them up the spear, before gripping their head and twisting it 180°, then ripping it out and securing the claim before reclaiming their stick.

Warclub: The Pred picks up the FT member with one hand, and swings the warclub into their side. They then retract, reel back, and swing at the FT members head, decapitating them and taking the skull and spine with the swing. The Pred lets go of the body as the warclub makes contact with the head, causing the body to drop. Pred then secures the claim to their belt.

Katana: The Pred picks up the FT member, before plunging the blade deep into their gut. The Pred them pulls the blade up through to the chest. The Pred lets go of the FT and reaches into the gap left by the blade and rips out the skull and spine, before pulling the blade out of the FT in one quick move.

Battle axe: The Predator slams the axe down into the FT’s right lung/shoulder. The Pred then angles the axe to slowly pull them up to a sitting position before staring them in the eyes with their hand gripping the top of the FT’s head, before using their foot to press the FT member back down to the floor and pull out the skull, spine, and axe in one swift move.

I think the ideas I have are cool and the gimmicks are nice, but anyone have any additional thoughts? Would love to hear!


Also, adding on to this, more unique ending cutscenes ples, the trail seemed to have some nice looking ones that just faded away!

Loving all of this!



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I feel like my best ideas come to me at 3am, hahaha

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