Predators freezing

Well that’s new

Video proof and visual on what the Predator experiences is linked below. From a FT perspective, the Predator freezes. Had this happen to me twice today.

@OldKingHamlet @Courier

Start at 1:45:41:

Link : “

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I have the same. My pred freezes and game crashes as soon as I melee.
This game is getting more difficult to play, and even MORE difficult to have fun since the Pred gets nerfed (by way of FT buffs) and then doesn’t work properly.

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Tonight was the first time i blue screened on PS4 as Alpha since last patch.

3 freezes followed by crashes during melee just this morning. ‘sigh’

Curiously enough, all with my character wearing the viking helm. I’ve changed it out now, and will see if it happens again

Parried a hunter on derailed after reinforcements. Took 2 parries then froze like he crashed. Real shame, good match.

This is what happens on a PC.

And before the patch there was never such an error.

This looks like a separate issue. The one described in this thread has the player being booted to their desktop (as Predator) or seeing the Predator just freeze and stop doing anything (as FT).

Looks like you’re experiencing memory exhaustion on your video card.

PS4 and I was using alpha sickle when I bluescreened because a Dutch parried me.

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Just happened to me. Game crashes when you use wrist blades.

Might have been me if it was an Elder

Nah, hunter

I repeat once again, this was not the case before the patch and the error occurs exclusively when a predator attacks.

Not arguing that point - simply put: your error is not the same as what is being described in this thread.

My game closed out right when Viking used his axe on me.

Welcome to the bug of the week ladies and gents! Hope you all enjoy the show! Can’t wait to see the next great bug! Good times…

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I’m starting to think Illfonic is really just Shane Black. They both hate Predator, and you never ever see them in the same room together.

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I have a feeling this is to do with Viking. Perhaps those who have dlc and facing those who don’t is causing some sort of issue causing PlayStation to bug out. Or that maybe due to the issue with Epic it’s causing some issue on PSN.

I froze getting parried while using the katana with the Viking. The elder sword has been fine all day for me. Even if parried.