Predators freezing

Just happened to me in the first match of the day, using Elder and alpha sickle. Back up weapon was the axe.

4 matches today, 2 freeze crashes during melee. Can we hotfix this asap, please, @IllFonic ?

Edit: second time was City Hunter, and no viking gear whatsoever, so it’s not caused by anything viking related

Yep. Just happened to me… Never had this game crash before either. I’m on PC.

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Definitely not the weapons

some for me yesterday with Hunter Class. Get parried at Infight with the Combostick, then CTD

also the Bow charge didnt work at one Match… Did they not test the last Patch before release??

All that shit with loading times from 8-12 Minutes…?

I go back to GTA Online until next Patch…


A half hour of my life wasted every time. 4 x today. That’s 2 hours someone owes me. 😜

Wow they can respond to hate but not important issues. Priorities set to maximum lowness!!!

Too be fair, calling me fucking retarded will get my attention pretty quickly. Just ask my boss

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About half the matches. It all depends on if FT parries or not.
…I think

Screw it. Can’t get a game in due to crashing now.

We have been investigating the issue and we’re currently working on a fix

Thanks for your patience


Maybe have a sit down with your QA team

How does stuff like this go unnoticed?

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Thank you @Courier

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Well this isn’t happening due to just being parried or being the Viking. I just crashed from a match playing as scout after just hitting someone without them parrying me.


First game today. After softening FT from a distance, setting bear traps and claiming first FT member, I had the opportunity to melee the second one and POOF back to desktop. I know it’s being worked on, but it’s so damn FRUSTRATING

Waited 18 minutes to get into a match. 3 minutes into it, desktop.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I would actually just like to play, whether I win or lose.

Can we get compensation for our lost time and lost Veritanium? ? I think both Preds and FTs have not earned what they could have due to 50% of Predators crashing.

PS4. Game crashes like clockwork whenever I play as the predator. It will always occur as I am mid-melee attack with a fireteam member.I have deleted the App saved data and reset my loadouts. Nothing works. Very frustrating and highly annoying