Predators. Why two interaction buttons?

As a PS4 player.

Tapping šŸ”³ mounts trees.
But I donā€™t get why?
Thatā€™s what X is for.

At least if you hold šŸ”³ you wont fly into a tree.

Thought Iā€™d share my confusion to why this mechanic works like this.
Itā€™s not bad, I can work around it, but itā€™s accidentally inconvenient when it does happen. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

UPDATE: Temporary ghetto FIX to this issue. (I tried guys sorry)


Its a stupid annoying glitch. They need to fix it.

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I swear this has gotten worse lately and needs to be fixed ASAP I might try and use it as a tactic in Fireteam games. Canā€™t claim my skull if Iā€™m by a tree

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You want skull? Nah. You wanna climb this tree.


It is funny when you claim a dead body and it teleports it up the the tree with you


Yeah say now its extremely rare since you just fly at the trees when yu go to Claim. It completely ignores the claim.

Well on PC claiming is F key and mounting a tree is spacebar how the do they mess that up.

Yes itā€™s ridiculousā€¦


ā€œmonkey bussinesā€

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i play on pc, and it happened to me today, i changed going into trees as a different button from normal jump otherwise you can get really stuck in some situations running into trees all the time. the match that made me change the button, the FT was in between two trees and i was just trying to normal jump and i was just going back n forth between the trees like 10 times. trying to claim and going into a tree has only happened to me once but apparently hitting F will send you into a tree for some reason in some special case???


They just fixed this too on FT. ā€œOh the chopper is here and the line is in front of my face. Better reload.ā€ Why didnā€™t they just do the same thing for Pred and prioritize interaction on the square button?

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The thing is, square has nothing to do with climbing on trees. Itā€™s only X. Itā€™s a glitch thatā€™s fkn annoying, when you jump at the tree after pressing square.

I rebound and removed all bindings that have anything to do with Predkour/branches, yet interact (F) on PC will still cause Predator to climb a tree. I can also still leap into a tree and enter Predkour mode and leap from branch to branch/tree to tree just by moving.

It seems like Predkour or at least activating Predkour from the ground is also coded to count as an interaction. Just like claiming.


True but I think it has something to do with the interaction coding. Iā€™m no programmer, in fact i know Jack squat about IT butā€¦i dunno it seems to fit.

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Problem is, climbing trees counts as interaction.

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Customize your controls peeps. Itā€™s made a world of different for me and my game. My only current issues are Claims or eating pigs if Iā€™m predator. For FT itā€™s damn mudding up. If I see the option to mud up, press the button the option to mud up removes and I have to find another place to mud up. Damn frustrating.

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Iā€™ll take ā€˜Shit That Should Have Been Addressed Before Releaseā€™, Alex!

Alex: ā€˜Thatā€™s currently every category on the boardā€™.


i did. at least my pred no lunger climbs a tree everytime i just want to do the normal jump. But itā€™s still tied to all the other interactions like eating and claiming. Canā€™t change that.

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