Hey everyone I just made a video talking about and theorizing about the new PREY 2 MOVIE that was just announced in the works!^^

For those wanting to read the source of the news you can find it here ⬇️

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Badlands. Not “Prey 2”.

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It shall be a sequel and it shall continue with the lead from last film. It shall probably will do insanely well if in the theatres

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Badlands is a place holder name similar to when PREY was named “SKULLS” during development.

It doesn’t continue the PREY story with Naru, it’s a stand alone from another time with another character.

Some people were talking about samurai predator, but it’s just a rumor. I wonder where the stage is.

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Its still not gonna be PREY 2. Golly.

I think EVENTUALLY we will get to see a Predator Vs. Samurai movie in the future, right now it’s a bunch of random stories that I love the Predator, I’m not sure there’s gonna be a connection. However I could be wrong 🤷🏻

Oh! Yeah your right, maybe

There were a few sources. It’s confirm she does return.check avpgalaxy

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I just saw the other sources.
We are getting two movies a Sequel to Prey, which will be way in the future (but could be wrong). Right now the BADLANDS is the current one in development.

I am curious though if that means one will be feeling stories of random encounters while the other will continue the story of reacquiring characters, maybe even a Yautja surviving the hunt 🤷🏻

yeah…that. 2 films.