Prey Hulu Original

He’s popular, but he did steal a build from Crazyboy and never credited him, and stole a screenshot from @P-willie2000 and never credited him, that’s why some don’t like BTL. Me? I’m neutral


For me it’s just the “Best Predator Live” part that peeves me off a bit.

Ah , not so good.

As for the the OC creations? Mate , its pretty limited customizations in this game . An OC that a thousand people have already made


Toxic space masculinity build



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ahhhh chaos


That’s why they should give us a selection of base skin patterns and a colour wheel or something to make our own skin patterns, Predlocks, armour styles etc so we can genuinely have our own trademark Predators.

I mean my trademark is usually just Red and Black armour, Skin etc. Samhain’s is usually Green Skin pattern and hair and Obsidian armour and mask (at least for his classic JH’87), and @ScOp_StUrMi just uses the classic movie outfits.

But then again all of them can be replicated. The only guy who ever really had his own Pred that nobody can replicate was CYSZ because he had the digital deluxe edition on PC and not many can do the same appearance on the Scout due to that.


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I agree

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Well that was exciting wasn’t it?

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You forgot mine on the list. 😭

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You have a unique Predator that nobody can copy?

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No, that’s impossible because of customization. But I use gold and blue.

I have used the same colour way on quite a few Preds of my own👍

Care to share yours?

Can’t I’m away from my ps4 right now and I can’t get back on it until Wednesday. But I use wolf with blue skin pattern with gold armor, I think… I forget.

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Ok bro no worries. When I use Blue and Gold I usually run it on City Hunter with Gold armours and Blue cosmetics.

Sometimes it can work nice on Mr Black or Falconer for a Nightstorm-esque appearance

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Cool, what’s your psn so I’ll recognize you in game or so I can friend you.

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You have featured in one of my videos before haven’t you? The one where I killed Hornhead?

But yeah my main account name is Ja5on_P00LX13 but I don’t like to advertise my other account name too much because I rarely ever play serious on it so people will say I’m bad etc and I can’t be assed with that. You’ll see my other name in the video if you look at the scoreboard but yeah 👍

Zeros in P00L btw


I remember now, that was a good game and I apologize for interupting the t-bagging.

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Yes it was bro👍 we had a good 1v1

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