Prey Hulu Original

Yeah that was a good 1v1, I hope to see you in the jungle now that I’m better than ever when I get warmed up.

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Yeah me too bro 👍 if you want I can get you in some private matches with the guys and we can have some great Hunts👍

I’ll see you in the Hunting Grounds 👍

Sounds good, see you in the hunt.

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I sent a friend request.

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Ok thank you. To Ja5on_P00LX13 or my other one?
Either way I will add you back as soon as I can👍

Woah, this was pretty underwhelming ngl…

Hope plot and Predator make up for this teaser.

Didn’t tease much of anything other than time Era, there’s a pred and humans.

We all got excited for 2018 till they Jurassic Park 3’d the Pred and basically mocked itself through the entirety of the movie.

Still, I remain hopeful. (Praying for a Yautja win for once and a blood bath!)


20th Century… give these dang directors a proper budget wouldn’t ya!!!

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Ja5on_P00LX13, cool.

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Hopefully the full trailer will show a bit of what everyone really wants to see

Imo they gonna keep the Predator hidden and have a big reveal at the end in a climax.

This movie being named “Prey” will make people believe it’s more of a movie for the humans and justify for the lack of Pred.

Compared to it being named Predator and not delivering a “Predator” centric movie.

I just have a feeling the IP is struggling to re create the “lightning in a bottle” 87 was, but just unfortunately can’t do that without it falling in on itself.

Fan made films really captured the proper ton of how Pred movies should go and maybe directors are chasing something they never will achieve?

Alas, a new “Yautja” movie is on my hit list and I’ll probably justify all of its faults as per usual xD


Here’s an article that suggests it will be more horror centric

Anything that’s not all black on jungle hunter is cancer.

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If it IS shaping out to be a horror/antihero film… I’m interested. But if I see an unearned Predator death, I’m gonna have to riot


I know damn well you did not just say that

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Almost spilled my beer

C’mon dude, you stage matches and then call yourself the best Predator. Not to mention stealing content from several of my friends and getting away with it.


Don’t fall for the bait.

……it honestly shocks me to no end at this point

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You all being trolled.

Better be, I ain’t gonna be walked over like that for all the work I put in.

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What are you referring to?

Ahh I see that little shit grifter is here. Bet he’s here trying to steal other people’s builds only to still play shit with them.