Prey Hulu Original

It was max cringe, choreographed the night before

I love his videos, you got good taste my dude!

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Not the best scene from the series but also not the only one she fought bad guys

I liked the show

She heap big babe, though


Fuck, pard, can you imagine the amount of pervs that are gonna make rule 34 out of this movie?!?!? ITS like the producers WANTED it to be that way! Its doomed! Doomed, I tell ya!

Ye, that was bad. 😆

As in acting or?
Cause that “ass kicking” was really bad tbh.
Not in a good way.

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I confess

I was blinded by her looks

I tried to find a better fight scene but they’re all in slomo to cover up her lack of actual fight skill


I like Predator way too much to write this off

Keep in mind I’m the only person who liked The Predator

Welp, can hardly wait to see how a Pred is somehow defeated by a frail chick with a bow and arrow.

I laughed at the “hide in the field” scene.


Daily reminder this Franchise started with Jungle dying to a combination of a Bow & Arrow & a tree log falling on his head like a looney tunes skit, whilst City was beat in hand to hand combat by a 40+ slightly overweight cop from LA.



Yeah…this movie is going to fucking suck. I’m calling it now. Send that shit straight to DVD.

She stalks the Predator? lmao
And there’s a terrifying showdown?? pmsl How does one go from hunting fucking buffalo, bears and wolves to being able to successfully take down a skilled, tech’d up alien brick shit-house!? One shoulder caster shot hollowed out Blaine, so it’ll disintegrate her malnourished looking ass.

Prepare to see a movie written by someone who neither knows nor appreciates Yautja lore, and wanted to do a Rian Johnson with Predator. Someone already mentioned about the Predator being a side feature in the movie and they’re probably right.

Prey? I thinks it’s time to pray…

Bit more to it than that, but whatever.

That is literally how both of those movies end. Hell even before that Jungle fell for a goddamn net trap and screamed like a little girl. To quote Dilon “Boy Scout Bullshit” is what won.

If it sucks then it sucks

It can’t be worse than the predator right?

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But little did bad blood know, it could get worse.

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Actual little girl scream from Jungle Hunter, one of the funniest scenes in the whole film.

I’m the best

Well there was a lame predator that literally got beat by a bear in the comics

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