Prey Hulu Original

Expect a call from my lawyer , buddy 👉🏻

Any memes are copyrighted to wiggerproductions©️

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That’s a kid to me, sonny. But either way, she looks 15.

so far it looks fan made…i guess it comes down to the special effects and storyline. im glad they making a movie tho. i would love to see a quinten terintino version of predator and see 10 000 death scenes and body parts flying everywhere. movies are to fluffy now a days


Look what this topic has diluted too I mean does everything have to be trolled here?


I mean…not EVERYTHING.


Just MOST things!

I believe he made this one lol I jus had to save it cud how funny it was but seriously tho someone called it that she would see her brother and/or thier tribe get slaughtered then she would be the one to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. I think this trailer possibly confirmed that.

Not sayin it will deffinately suck but they would have to execute it well like Skye said with the examples of Pocahontas and the classic Milan. Hey if they return to thier roots of actually fleshing out the character and making it believable then it can be a good edition to the predator franchise.

All i know for sure is that the bear/sasquatch predator fight will be the best part even if the movie is trash. Im sure thas somethin we can all agree to look forward to

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All the evidence I needed , so you in court 🧐

Now I want a super angry bear to randomly appear in matches to attack ft and pred.
If it gets ft it bites them and shakes them like a chew toy.

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I really like the camera angles they used , the tone of colours aswell , very artistic

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Lol I wouldn’t be against it. Would kinda make it like a Russian roulette who’s he gonna get.

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Praying that this is a good predator movie!

Really hyped for this one mates!!! We could use some new Predator series movies, I’ve even got a few OP builds in mind that I think you should love!



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Hands down the best PHG streamer 👍🏻


Thanks mate! Glad to be able to now interact with my fans here! Looking forward to making some more OP builds from this community inspired by you all.





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Hello Bloodthirstylord how are you

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Also damn senate was right that this shit has gotten crazy. @TheSenate both thank and fak yu for forcing me back here.