Proposal: elder predator point laser

I think something interesting could be done with the Elder Predator.

The plasma cannon laser should be functional.
Generally, the laser pointer works only if you use the bio mask.
I think the elder predator should have the exclusive ability to use his laser pointer from the plasma cannon. Since this predator uses it that way.

I think it would be fair, what do you think about this?

Creo que se podría hacer algo interesante con el Elder Predator.

El láser del cañón de plasma debe funcionar.
Generalmente, el puntero láser funciona solo si usa la máscara biológica.
Creo que el depredador mayor debería tener la capacidad exclusiva de usar su puntero láser del cañón de plasma. Dado que este depredador lo usa de esa manera.

Creo que sería justo, ¿qué opinas de esto?


I think every Predator should maybe have this as a specialization, whenever we get those.

I can already see a few benefits if the targeting lazer is coming from the PC.


I like that… Could be an exclusive for Elder class and a perk for other classes?

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Not giving a fuck about snipers?

With Elder’s laser as a perk for other Predators since the plasmacaster is separate to the body armor would they model a laser for all Predators or would it just swap to Elder’s pack when the perk is in usage?

I definitely like this idea and it would open the doors for other kinds of helmets. Boar for example lacks a laser on the helmet.

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The only one who would see the PC lazer would be those on the receiving end, so it would be a little pointless to completely change the PC model.

If they really wanted they could probably just slap something on the current model if you’re using the perk/specialization


How about the proposal that of you lose your biomask , you can still have a form of thermal but no target isolation or marking enemies or use of the caster? It makes zero sense you lose the natural vision of the pred , they do realise in the movies the mask isn’t what supplies him his sight? It is used for many things that can be taken away in game

I don’t know if the loss of the natural vision has to do with it just being a penalty for losing the mask or something they don’t want to mess with due to the film’s inconsistency and the Predator bible being a fuck up. Maybe a bit of both.

A more fitting penalty would be no caster , no target marking and no target iso or sound indicators? They still see thermal without a mask , it just seems to let them narrow their field of view on heat signatures etc


I believe in the movies, the pred did shoot the cannon while no mask. FYI, you can still shoot it but you don’t have the aiming. Just aim for the middle and hope for the best.

This could be exclusive for the elderly case, but it could be implemented as an advantage without any problem, as long as you carry a plasma caster with laser pointer as the elder carries.
Since it is what allows you to aim without having a mask

Which movie? The first movie he takes the caster off then his mask , pred 2 his Caster is damaged in the warehouse before his mask is taken off and elder has the Canon mentioned above , predators two die with masks on and Mr Black gets his mask knocked off then killed , avp two die without casters and scar has his mask off when facing the queen (doesn’t use plasma on her) and avpr wolfs is damaged so he makes one a handheld and takes his mask off and dies . The predator fugitive is killed and and upgrade I dont think even had a caster? So?..

Predators show that the pred need the biomask to make is equipment fonction or atleast is plasma caster and wristguantlet

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In Predator 2 the Elder Predator has full plasma cannon functions without its bio mask. Since the barrel has a built-in laser point.

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predator mask’s and equipment in general are modified and made by the hunters themself, i guess you could that say each pred equipment is different from one hunter to another


The only exception to this is elder , I dont know of any examples, in movies where they use the plasma without their masks

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Well in comics he do have a mask but it was 300 years ago so a lot probably happened

They will probably only use them when on a hunt? Elder was in the ship when we seen him . I often wondered if the other members of the tribe were out hunting aswell or just taking in the mayhem

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Scar’s gun had a laser on it meaning he didn’t require the mask. That being said I think on film the laser on the gun goes unused.

Some predators like stalker also have a gun but no laser so it’s possible the laser really is just to help them aim but it’s not needed to fire.

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How about it’s a specialization, but Elder class already has it as a base part of the class.
It might go something like this:

Laser Sights:
-The laser is mounted to the plasmacaster, so when the mask is removed, the Predator can still fire plasma shots with a targeting laser.
(This effect is always applied to Elder as a class, allowing him to functionally have 2 specializations).