Prototype Plasma Rifle

I think everyone in this game is unhappy with [the prototype plasma rifle]. This is the only plasma weapon in the game, and it deals less damage to the predator than a firearm. We all want you to improve the damage inflicted on the predator, so that it makes sense to take this weapon. PLEASE, DEAR ILLFONIC, if you are not indifferent to our opinion, Improve this rifle) Who agrees with me + in the comments)


I want a wrist plasma shooter like Dutch had in the novel

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It’s the optimal choice for taking out AI; guaranteed 1-2 shor kills… but you’d think it’d do more damage to Predator considering its an explosive round…

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I think since it doesn’t do much damage to pred, it should have unlimited ammo just like the sc. It should have energy overload but infinite ammo. I still wouldn’t use it, but I’m sure it would make more sense.


I like that idea. Aliens: Colonial Marines had a weapon that functioned similarly.

As for the little damage vs predators, I guess you could argue that their armour is probably designed to deflect their own kinds of weaponry first and foremost. If we’re looking for an in-universe explanation.


I might be alone with that opinion, but…
I fucking love that weapon and don’t think it needs a buff.
In my opinion, it is perfectly balaced to take out everything except for the Pred, and makes a good supportive choice to pick one per team to defuse difficult situations, where lots of AI swarms you, or even just to kill all alarms from a distance.
If I want to kill the Pred, I simply switch to my secondary, since the slow projectiles are not able to hit him anyways.
And it makes up for the missing Pred Damage by being able to shoot through branches and annoy him with that stupid blinding/shaking effect.
It is also the only weapon able to do damage through walls, for example if a spotted pred is running on the roof above you.
And it has the best aim assist of all weapons in the game.


Same however I think it should be able to get an extended mag at least other than that the weapon is great.

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My little baby Beer Warrior hands cant handle this weed whacker

Give it a secondary fire mode which charges up a bolt instead.


Compared to other weapons, the plasma rifle does good damage at range though, because there is no decrease in damage over range.

This would be a good compromise in my opinion.

It would be easy, just give it a Semi auto mode that charges if you hold down the trigger.


agreed that probably the most sensed proposition i have seen Concerning the plasma rifle


It would totally give me some Men In Black vibes. lol. 😆


Predators and FT flinging Hadokens at each other.
Sign me up

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Are you more worried about bots? Man, the predator is the only enemy in the match that can destroy your team. Bots don’t play a role.

When you make a choice of weapons, who do you try to take them against? Against bots or a predator? Of course, against a predator.


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What would be easy?

No, I take the Plasma against AI and objectives to help my team and defuse scetchy situations, while I have my secondary for Pred.
Because I’m in a team where 2 people are better shooters than me and do the big damage, and if I focus on AI, the Damage dealers can deal damage. ;-)

Well, look. I jump on you with a bow, you have a plasma rifle. You can only run away or use the second gun.)

Ai isn’t strong enough right now to sacrifice basic weaponsXDD