You’re just upset because you use your lasers and arrows like a cheater. Admit it. Your father raised a cowardly little girl.
PS4 Predator ranking List March 2021 Edition
Mate if I’m 100% honest? I dont give a shit , pc or console? Neither matter, you have people tryingvto flex over a game . People talking shit because they feel they have achieved something on a game , that holds zero meaning what so ever , I posted on the state of pc players vs console player? Its false it has no advantage lowering graphics ? I watched a video for myself , there was no foliage in the fucking game , a completely still pred was a big black shadow getting shot from hundreds of meters away . I seen it for myself so anyone that says any different to actual gameplay I seen? Is irrelevant. I like to banter and have a laugh because the state the world is in , I dont have much else to do and alot of time to kill , but the state of some of the people on here? Its fucking embarrassing
BTW I dig your YouTube channel
Alot of that isn’t aimed at you either btw
Can you link the video?
That was possible before they buff the cloak. Now the only way you can see that is if you’re dead and are seeing through a teammate’s view.
Maybe the video you saw is old, in which case yes you could see the pred as a shadow when cloaked.
Not taking anything personal, just trying to clarify this. I find it funny how you can still see the pred when cloaked when you’re dead and view it from a teammates pov.
…but the days of camping snipers are long gone.
It was from months ago yes , but nowhere did I state it was yesterday , or the day before? I said the fact it was possible at all was fucking stupid , and more than likely alot of clowns would deliberately (not all , due to bad optimization) play in such a state and come on a forum to act like a tool and talk shit . The point I made was it was possible , it wasn’t possible on console , so the whole pc vs console was a stupid discussion
That’s very true. You can’t see shit due to all the saturated colors on a TV. I used to think it was a the PS4s fault. But this makes more sense.
Ok ok…so yes months ago that was possible and snipers would camp and shoot the pred across the map.
Thats one , no advantage? Not current no , but for how long was this common? Anyone arguing im talking complete shit? ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 a trolls wet dream to play like that and think they have achieved something by bragging off skill and superior pc race , #1bullshit
Yea man, that was how the game was before the cloak buff. Now even with low graphics you can’t see the cloaked pred at over 40 meters.
You maybe can’t see it , but what about the branches moving in the distance when they are running in the trees? If its anything today like the visuals above
My comment was truthful and there isn’t much else to add , there’s good players all around but its predator hunting grounds, pfft
Y’all must have some shitty TVs cause mine is glorious
Yea now you have to use visual and sound clues to know where the pred is. For experienced players is fairly easy.
…awwwwww thank you!
I find the audio is actually too spot on , they done something too well 😄